Moving to: m/AskMbin!

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### We are moving! **Join us in our new journey as we take a new direction towards the future for this community at mbin, find our new community here and read this post to know more about why we are moving. Thank you and we hope to see you there!**

founded 2 years ago

Everyone's got one. What's yours?


It could be something from today, the past week, or whatever. All things big or small are welcome too. I'm sitting outside today as a a part of my daily routine--it's nice and sunny out, and there's a gentle breeze which feels very relaxing. Doing so is pretty nice between the time I spend at the computer.


I like the images open while scrolling but hate that a video under the fold just starts playing whenever it loads. It's getting more prevalent too. Is there a way I can stop it using mobile Firefox and ublock or would I need to manually block every video source?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I know its enabled by default. This question is mainly for people who prefer to keep it enabled.

When I was playing with chatgpt he told me this:

When you use mouse acceleration, you have to move your mouse more quickly to cover the same distance on the screen. This can put more strain on your tendons and muscles. Additionally, mouse acceleration can make it difficult to develop muscle memory, which can also increase your risk of RSI.

From what is says it can be harmful.

I know chatgpt is sometimes wrong, but found only one source (Dr. Levi Harrison) that agrees and nothing more.


I like that kbin is smaller compared to some lemmy instances. I also prefer the UI. Bigger communities tend to feel a bit overwhelming for me. I also appreciate how transparent Ernest has been regarding kbin's development. That said, it's been a bit challenging to figure out how to utilize some of the federation features that kbin has to offer--microblogging in particular. From what I've seen, people don't generally seem too interested in this feature, but I think it's nice to have.


Is KBIN alive or dying, moved here from lemmy because I'm fundamentally at odds with belonging to any social media platform named after a man who owned the largest personally held collection of nazi memorabilia in the world. It's also cleaner interface, and what I thought was a simpler more all encompassing platform where I could tailor filtering, but can't seen to block users or subs from (amongst others). Notifications haven't worked in weeks, when clicking on the notifications number up on the top right next to profile, it brings up the same error screen (screenshot attached to post). Tried sending email to email but haven't heard anything back. Are there plans to fix these issues? Does anyone know? cheers.

**** update: it's not spam , it's just me being a fucking idiot. my apologies. i had two domains blocked, and in doing so, triggered a bug which kbin users sometimes run into, that being specifically not seeing comments if they have any domains blocked, i had two, i deleted the blocks on the domains, and presto, like magic i can see comments. no spam, just stupidity, mine. thanks again to earnest for the private message which finally clued me in. i'm not going to delete this post and add to yet more broken threads.


I recently re-watched Future Diary, an anime relating to keeping a journal that then gets shifted forward into time which, depending on what you were documenting, could be to your advantage or disadvantage.

This inspired me to keep my own journal YEARS back, and I've been doing pretty good at keeping it alive. I've recently migrated to using Obsidian as my software (in fact, I use Obsidian for everything! From notes in class to quick to-do lists for the day) and it's made it pretty easy to look back on old notes. I used to be obsessed with minute-by-minute updates like in the anime, but took a more realistic approach to having a daily review. However recently I've found that I am losing track of more and more as my life gets more and more busy. I've tried some different note-taking methods but those work for some aspects, but not all aspects of what I need to remember.

I have (most likely, at best undiagnosed) ADHD to where I can't remember a conversation I just had as soon as I turn back around to continue what I was working on before getting interrupted in conversation. So I have tried writing EVERYTHING down. This works, as long as I remember all the details by the time it's written down. (I've been interrupted 5 times while writing this so forgive me if it's scattered) But notes can get lost in the sauce and I have to search forever to find bits of info.

The way I use Obsidian is by having the daily note set up with a template which is timestamped and asks loaded questions, with tags, to help me find what subject I want to look back on in certain dates. These tags can be relating to work, emotions, relationships, interactions, and ways to improve any of those.

These get stored in folders for each year, but I generally keep them open-ended with the file name being just the date with a quick summary after it.

I've tried to use it as a task tracker at work, but when it came for annual review time, I struggled to find a way to parse a lot of notes all at once to remember what I had done for the year. This made me want to migrate to Microsoft Lists but now I have to use two different software for close to the same thing, and I lose which one I used for information I need.

So, how do you use a journal? What software do you use? What works best for tracking your tasks for annuals? What works best for keeping you on task when ADHD gets the better of you? How do you keep track of everything?!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

My eyesight is getting shot by looking at a monitor for so many hours, both at work and off work, so Doc said to switch to analogue - if I have to read something, let it be books.

I'm into pretty much all genres, so if there is any book you particularly like or recommend, I'm all ears (and eyes)!

EDIT: thanks for the great suggestions, I'm checking all of them!!!


I'm looking to add some variety to my kbin subscriptions, so I would like to know: what's your favorite magazine/instance or one you find yourself spending the most time on?


I'm gonna go with this:

"We screwed up our Planet, Earth is our last hope for humanity"

That'd be the biggest UNO reverse card ever.


I noticed that he is the moderator of this community and many others, such as:

  • r/RedditAlternatives
  • r/AmazonLunaHub
  • r/SearchWithAndi
  • r/cloudgaming
  • r/searchengines
  • r/ChargerDaytonaSRT
  • r/ChargerDaytona
  • r/Kia_EV9
  • r/HyundaiONIQ
  • r/DriveIndi
  • r/electriccars
  • r/TeslaModel4
  • r/ioniq7
  • r/E1Series
  • r/SearchKagi
  • r/polestar2
  • r/CohostSocial
  • r/ManyverseSSB
  • r/Manyverse_Social
  • r/StudyInSweden
  • r/EducationAtEurope
  • r/HydrogenFCVehicles
  • r/CitroenAmiCar
  • r/ProjectBloodstrikeBR
  • r/Hydrogen_Vehicles
  • r/AmazonLunaPortal

and 28 more in /kbin

How is he able to manage all these communities? What are his motivations?

I'm curious to know more about this person who seems to have a lot of influence and control over the content and discussions on Reddit and /kbin. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wonders about this.

I am by no means attacking u/TheArstaInventor, but I'm genuinely interested in his motivations.


I hate it when people on social media, dare ask questions when you know they're fishing for personal information/ammo on people to exploit. Like asking for people's dark secrets. Why do you want to know? Is there a fetish to this? Nobody is going to be dead serious, they're just going to give softball answers and why should they trust you, random stranger online?

And I hate money-based questions. Unless I am given a large sum of money or if any of the money scenarios where I am given money comes true, I'm not going to answer these questions because I'm tired of fantasizing about something that will never likely happen in my life. You ask what I'd do with $10,000? Give it to me and I'll show you. Otherwise, don't ask.


As a car enthusiast, I can think of a good one, the Ford Nucleon.

During the 1950s and 1960s, there was considerable interest in nuclear power and its potential applications. This led to the idea of using nuclear energy to propel cars. The concept behind a nuclear car was to utilize a small nuclear reactor to generate steam, which would then power the vehicle's engine.

Of course back in those days, this was extremely futurustic and some at the time thought this would be a game changer, but ultimately, the safety aspect was one of the biggest reasons why this idea was dropped, and I probably don't have to explain why it may not have considered to be safe, I mean, it was using nuclear power, so even if the engineers tried to make it as safe as possible, IF something went wrong, it would have been catastrophic.

Ever since then, the interests in the automotive sector has shifted to Electric and Hydrogen.

Still, a very intriguing concept car and idea.

Outside cars, you have blimps, and I personally believe if we tried to make something like a hindenburg today with existing technology, we might have been a lot more successful than back then (as it goes way back to 1930s), there are still some blimps used occasionally, I also don't believe those use hydrogen(?), but they are not the "game changer in air travel" it was once seen as, although we can't rule out a comeback.

What about you guys?


What would be a good sign coming out of such people?




Original Post

Hello everyone! I'm launching a website for Kbin Migration today, a very very simple, basic and hopefully easy to use website with useful resources to help users move to Kbin and the fediverse from Reddit!

Before I started working on the website, I initiated and worked on launching r/KbinMigration, and worked on my first guide here.

But ever since Reddit attempted to ban my initatives here (just like it did with my past lemmy initatives) such as r/KbinMigration just to unban it later thanks to the community noticing Reddit's attempt at censoring it, and of course, me sending messages to r/reddit's mods explaining how they banned r/KbinMigration for "spam" ridiculously when we literally had only 2 pinned posts back then.

But I later realized that putting my resources on Reddit that help people migrate from Reddit probably isn't my greatest idea, and I shouldn't be surprised if Reddit ever decides to ban my iniatives in the future for good, especially if it gets bigger, hence I decided to stop updating my guide from r/KbinMigration and instead work on my own simple website, just a place outside Reddit where I can display the resources without having a potential risk of losing it which would mean making it inaccessible to those who need it.

In the past few months, I have taken other initatives as well, the most important one being my arrival to r/RedditAlternatives mod team (thankful for the opportunity!), to help the sub with moderation in my free time and improving the sub along with the other guys in the team, in ways we can. Apart from that, I also help moderate huge communities on Kbin itself, such as m/AskKbin.

This website is an important step in realizing my vision in hopefully being people from Reddit to Kbin and the Fediverse, and I hope all of you find it useful!

If you have any feedback for any of the guides/resources we have on Kbin Migration, let me know! I will continue to push more updates and new resources as this is just the beginning, hence more to come. I will also be promoting and sharing this initiative inside Kbin, especially within the communities I already moderate as well. I want this to be a user/community-run initative, so those who have any feedback, it will be very very valuable and certainly help me shape all the current and future resources we will have on Kbin Migration!

Thank you :)


Update V2, improved readability of text on the website, especially page text on guides, as we were using grey before but now we've switched to white, which means all the text should now appear clear and a lot more readable. This change was made based on user-feedback.

The main, first and introductory guide "The redditor's guide to how Kbin works" is now pinned on top by default, all other posts/guides will be shown after that. This change was also based on user-feedback.

Additionally, users can also now follow the website, and comment on any of the available guides to leave feedback and etc.


The difference in speed is the most noticeable when navigating from a thread to the previous lists of threads.
As a user this feels great and I’m wondering if there are technical features implemented specifically for this.


I am curious how many people do not use desktops in this day and age. I do not. I use my phone for everything (online) tech related in my life.

Is this common?


I have an operational question, any help appreciated.


I've seen a good bit of debate on Kbin surrounding downvotes, so what are your thoughts? Should they exist? Should they be shown separately? Should you be able to see who downvoted?

I personally like downvotes and especially like that they're shown separately. You're able to get a much better idea of how people feel about something, and you can more easily express a minority opinion. Of course, there are downsides (e.g., brigades), but I think the pros outweigh the cons.


Now that Medium has fully enshittified, and Substack is well on its way, where can I publish for free with good discoverability and no paywall? I've considered starting my own blog site using a static site generator, but I figured I'd get people's thoughts prior to doing that. Thanks!


Have you ever developed a PTSD not because you lived something traumatizing but because of a piece of fiction (movie, serie, book, etc...) ?

For me, it's the saga Final Destination, the first horrific saga i've ever watched, and will likely be the last.


How would they fare against the gom jabbar?


I work in a town that has a lot of trucker traffic with very little locals, they treat those toilets like they are just straight holes in the ground, never flush, never clean the seats if they miss, sweat stains stuck on after just an hour without cleaning.

But as I cleaned the remnants of somebody's breakfast dinner lunch off of the rim and floor. I had the thought that this can't be the absolute worst right?


Just wondering if anyone as taken Google's Generative AI training. I am interested in learning more (and it is free), but I was curious if it was worth the time investment.

Also, if you have taken any of Google's other training ... those experiences are welcome as well.

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