Is this AI? That tail looks fucking weird.
However, it's also totally possible it's a species of seal I'm just personally unfamiliar with.
If anyone can answer either way that'd be awesome.
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Is this AI? That tail looks fucking weird.
However, it's also totally possible it's a species of seal I'm just personally unfamiliar with.
If anyone can answer either way that'd be awesome.
It's a real photo. The photographer has a website ( but it's in Finnish!
Don't know if it's AI, but I think it's a harbor seal? The angle is a little weird with its left hind flipper, and it almost looks like the right hind flipper is missing.
But who knows what is what in this crazy mixed up data world 😅
Nope, young Saimaa ringed seal. Our very own (sadly endangered) chonkers.
I am apparently not very good at identifying pinnipeds, I'm from more of a dugong kind of area 😅 This lil guy is definitely a cutie, thank you for sharing!
I think youre right about it being a harbor seal just at a weird angle. Thank you!
Round? H'okay