Nobody is begging. Politicians are using "defence" as a leverage to enpower and enrich themself
Seeing as I invented this meme I’ll overuse it
And Germany is taking on 1 trillion Euros in new debt to protect against Russia, which is currently spending less on its military than the EU, while fighting a war.
citation needed.
I've seen the €800b figure but that's the EU as a whole, not Germany on its own
Germany is currently planning a "whatever it takes" spending plan of 500 billion for infrastructure projects and an equally high, but potentially unlimited amount for defense.
So ok, that’s not one trillion.
Over 10 years
Paywall so can't see whats written in that ft article. Deutsche Welle says 400bn for defense plus 500bn for infrastructure investment
He knew that before Trump's election but didn't make it an issue. He also knows that it implies that Russia will never attack Poland, let alone Poland allied with Europe.
What's the real need for the strengthened military?
What’s the real need for the strengthened military?
same as it ever was
Doesn't Russia want to see Nato entirely gone?
50 mil was in '91. Less than 40 at the beginning of war. No idea how many now. 20?
37 before war.
6 displaced abroad (unhcr)
7 displaced internally.
So around 30 left officially
TIL Russia's war in Ukraine is as bloody as WW2
Not from deaths so much as emigrations and secessions.
Not necessarily. A lot of people (6.9 million according to fled the country. That number may be on the low end, as men capable of joining the military fleeing the country may be considered traitors and might therefore flee in secret.
Ukrainian deaths directly caused by the war is counted in the tens of thousands. Casualties are in the hundred thousands, but "casualty" can mean anything from a broken toe to death.
Things are beaker on the Russian side, easily having twice or more the deaths and casualties of the Ukrainians.
The numbers are vague, though. Both sides have good reasons to keep the true numbers a secret, and we won't hear the true Ukrainian numbers until years after the war (and we'll probably never find out true numbers from the Russian side). However, it's not like tens off millions of people are dead.