I added Cyberpunk to the cart. We’ll see if I actually purchase it.
Patient Gamers
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
I’m in the same boat. Got it in the cart, unsure if I’ll hit buy
I bought it a couple of months ago and oh boy this game is amazing. The story is really well written. I am not much of a first person shooter guy but this game is definitely worth it. The story is great, the atmosphere is amazing, it is a really well made game and especially now with the overall international state of affairs and the rise of AI, its depressively dystopian story feels even more relatable and even the fighting is fun and versatile.
The Mafia Trilogy is $15 for the whole shebang, or $7.50 for any one of the individual games. I grabbed Mafia 3.
Lingo ($6.99/$9.99) is an incredible exploration and word puzzle game. It also has a few excellent custom maps such as Duolingo and Liduongo.
A sequel (Lingo 2 $9.99) just released and is also excellent. It changes how puzzle rules are presented, making them playable in either order. It's a more polished experience though, so playing the first game after would probably feel like a step backward.
I've heard great things about steam world heist 2 and just picked it up.
Rain World and its DLC Downpour are 50% off (just above 11 bucks)
Rain World is very, very niche in its appeal, but it's perhaps the best argument for games as art that I've ever come across. I've never had to rethink what a game even is in order to engage with something before.
Going to vouch for this game. I’ve been really enjoying it.
Best experienced without spoilers. Don’t even look up the creatures if you can resist.
You are not a hero, you’re are a small animal in a living ecosystem.
I dont know if I can recommend them yet, but I picked up Enter the Gungeon, Heavy Rain, Undertale, Doom, and Pillars of Eternity.
Well i enjoy snowrunner on my steamdeck quite well... Think i will get the year one pass
That will get me through till the next sale xD