I’m still not sold on the revamp. Feels less intuitive. However I do like the icons. I still think I’d prefer having it was though. Maybe I’m just getting to the old man point though
iOS Beta
iOS Beta Community
i was kind of expecting them to redesign this at this point. out of place design and its not unheard of for apple to drastically change things during beta (see safari changes last year).
I do agree, it feels slightly out of place. However, I think it’s also just something a could get used to easily.
Potential changes due to feedback always take a few beta cycles since it both takes time and Apple is already working on the next beta before we even get the previous one. You could see the same thing and timeline with the Safari redesign.
But this is such a small area of the OS, I don’t see them redesigning it.
imessage is considered a small area of ios? i would think apple already has multiple versions of this available. i doubt they have one design.
Not iMessage itself but the app drawer within it. But to be fair iMessage itself isn’t a big thing here in the Netherlands, everyone uses WhatsApp 😓
I like the redesign but I feel the animation should be sped up