Portable illumination
- Be excellent to each other
- Don't be the reason we need to make more rules
Not the kind of flashlight you forget somewhere.
Amazing, thank you!
A quick search brings up a FoxFury Hammerhead series of flashlights. They have a bunch of configurations for available lights.
Here is a link to a forum discussing the props used: 'The Expanse: Holden Season 4 Build/Research' https://www.therpf.com/forums/threads/the-expanse-holden-season-4-build-research.337542/post-5176055
Love it, thanks!
I see you are a person of culture
Such a good series - both the books and show too, which isn't common.
Truly. The only artwork I've considered adding to my tattoo collection (so far, only custom pieces). Hell, the closest I've ever come to actually getting a neck piece would be a Belter tattoo.
I’ve finally started watching it, after hearing good things about it for years. I just finished the first season. Good stuff!
Very nice! I'm excited for you - I'd love to be able to go back and watch the show for the first time again.
You'll have to let me know if you continue to enjoy the show!
The show is OK but enjoyable.
The books are out of this world gold sci Fi. Yes, I'll own the pun.
Few more photos to help hopefully: