ChatGPT: You're gonna die.
Still, I would consult a physician, since I'm just an AI chat bot.
ChatGPT: You're gonna die.
Still, I would consult a physician, since I'm just an AI chat bot.
I was looking up my symptoms and google suggested that I could have been in a car crash or mauled by a bear.
I don't remember either of those happening, so I must have memory loss too.
"Clearly, the only possible cause is that you're leaking cerbrospinal fluid." -WebMD
I’m making a medical diagnosis AI. It’s pretty simple. First, it asks for your symptoms. Then, it tells you that you’re clinically dead.
Like a Magic 8 Ball, but all of the answers are "Turbo-Cancer."
WebMD: Definitely a heart attack, but it could be cancer. Probably both.
Like the time I had neck pain on one side and webMD convinced me I had some kind of cancer. Turned out the armrest on my ergonomic chair had dropped. Good times.
[mysterious ad about funeral homes appear]
bing will have Yakuza 0 Kuze Finger cut scene
"Sorry, Billy. It's the finger cancer."
Tldr: you're dead already, and you don't even know it yet