Mar. 12, 2024
- Brush: Yaqi 26mm Synthetic
- Razor: Karve Overlander
- Blade: UK Tech Statum [5]
- Lather: Wholly Kaw - Nightcap - Soap
- Post Shave: Wholly Kaw - Nightcap - Aftershave
Good shave.
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Mar. 12, 2024
Good shave.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024: Zingari Zischtig
Another nice shave, though not as smooth as yesterday's. I really like Mousse Illuminée, and its bright scent always sparks joy. Getting used to the Barbarossa.
Have a good night!
Mar 12, 2024
These two scents have an almost yin and yang aspect centering around the different jasmine notes. One is dark and heady. While the other is bright and translucent. Both are excellent.
Rating: 4.5/5
March 12, 2024 -- Tearful Tuesday
Brush: Chisel & Hound Classic 26mm V23 Fanchurian
Razor: Tanifuji Spalding 0411 6/8" Full Hollow
Lather: Løthur - Tears - Soap
Toner: Thayers - Lavender - Toner
Aftershave: Unilever - Brut - Aftershave
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
Okay, not really tearful for me. I'm just going for the alliteration. As we do.
Today was my first use of a new brush from Chisel & Hound. As with my other two C&H brushes, this one looks and performs amazingly.
I have two Løthur soaps; this one and Calm. I don't have any issues with Løthur, though I know that some folks here do. And I like the soaps that I have. I admit that I am spoiled for choice with shaving products. I enjoy the variety.
a new brush from Chisel & Hound
The people need to see pictures! 👨🌾👨🌾
I can't believe that it has been already one week since the unsettling, alarming, uncalled-for, and traumatic shellacking that was last week's Tabassacre. I'm still sore and raw and it feels like it was yesterday. My poor Stank Tank® seems to have somewhat recovered, though, praise be, and decided to come back out from the shadows where it and its brothers and sisters-in-stank have dwelled licking their wounds these last days.
With visible trepidation and audibly nervous, however, they delivered the Glorious Old Man Stank® and the stellar performance that comes from 65 years of experience as if nothing had happened. Wow. When praising acts of resistance and collective resilience, one should always worry about romanticising them too much and thus letting the perpetrators off the hook but I couldn't help but sharing how impressed I was by today's defiant stankback.
the unsettling, alarming, uncalled-for, and traumatic shellacking that was last week’s Tabassacre.
I still can't face it :( Perhaps next time.
It's OK, we've survived the Tabacalypse, the only way from here on is up :)
Well said. For a brief moment I thought of letting my Phoenix AA soaps rise from the ashes, but it is better to put Tabacalyptic grief in the past and let the Stank® return to its former glory.
my Phoenix AA soaps rise from the ashes
Aaah! The unspeakable, spoken 😄
Yes, they (who shall not be named) have not entered my consciousness for well over three years.
March 12, 2024