I have been running tight on bank space running a single character. I want to run alts but it seems unrealistic to maintain multiple specs let alone multiple characters with the single 290 item shared inventory.
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I'm getting close to finish the campaign with a sorcerer in W1. I really want to try another class, but I would also like to try W2 and grinding out some gear and improving my game. Do all of you do the campaign on W2? I'm kind of new to the game, so I didn't want to ruin the experience with rage and deaths..
No shame in running WT1! There is plenty of time later to bump up in difficulty. I did run WT2 at launch, but that was after playing all 3 betas (plus ~20 years of D2/3).
I beat the game on World Tier 1 initially. I think the general consensus is that WT 2 is not worth the extra time it takes to kill the enemies in return for the small amount of bonus XP.
Once you beat the game with one character, you can jump right into the endgame on future characters.
I'm a big fan of trying out different playstyles offered by the different classes!
D4 has done a great job of making them all feel powerful.