This is peak DS1. Pretty early in the game you walk into a cupboard only to find a fucking boss who barely fits in there and just about one shots you. And to top it all off he has his fucking dogs in there as well.
Let's start up the meme factory again, FromSluts!
For trashposting and memes about Souls games developed by FromSoft.
Be civil and don't make me write rules here.
Yeah, on a first run, you're barely comfortable with the controls at this point, and you probably have no idea what you're doing with your build/weapons/armor.
Pair that with the run-back to this fight, and the Capra Demon has undoubtedly caused quite a few rage quits.
The first time I played DS1 I remember this guy took me forever, like at least 2 hours. I haven't played in a while but I can't remember the last time I even died to him.
I got him, because I had a high strength stat and a +5 Halbert at that point in my first run
Laughs in dung piles over the wall
This boss fight gave me corner-check PTSD
Just think of how many would not have died if they had accepted him into art school
Good on them for not accepting a horrible person. He would not be less of an asshole just because he went to art school. It might also have changed nothing.