Left top lane last season for jungle. Normally Sejuani, Vi, or Sion, but occasionally splash some Cho'gath and Amumu in with Teemo troll picks.
League of Legends
A Lemmy community for the game League of Legends.
For a long while I was a Mid main and then in season 10 or 11 or so I decided to swap to ADC because I felt like I had more control over my own performance and had a better chance to carry with/for the team. I main Caitlyn now but my highest mastery is still Lux. Haven't been able to play Caitlyn on 13.15 yet, looking forward to trying out the buffs.
I've been trying many champs now that the season is over to see if I can main or add another champ to my pool but I keep coming back to Shaco. He's underpowered, but can be played in almost any role except ADC. AP shaco stops plays, AD shaco makes plays. I'm a bit older so having a flash on 8 second cooldown makes him a lot more forgiving for someone who is a bit slower to learn the game. Outside of that I've been enjoying Jax but i die a lot lol.
Just switch to top lane recently after a 10 year boutique at ADC/bot.
Currently playing Ornn, Rumble, and Renekton. Feel like I cover a lot of bases with this pool.
I main J4. I like how his kit is simple but there is a lot of skill expression with different ways to use his abilities. I also would argue that he is the most versatile champ in the game being viable in 4 roles with builds ranging from full tank to full ad to ap support. I have never really gotten board of playing him as there is always something to try. I strongly recommend people try a few different builds with him rather than only ever running Goredrinker bruiser every game
No one at the moment(probably cait). Previously it was shyvana because every time I played her I would be a monster running around farming everything getting huge and dueling everyone.
Before that it was naut support and it was because he looked cool and I never saw him played support. I started playing him just experimenting and trying different tanks and man it was so good I was stomping lane every game. I went from gold to plat. Then he got a major buff for the first time in a long time and people started playing him support. After that I struggled to win lane as often.
I think I'm drawn to playing things that are a bit underplayed because I can't compete on meta Champs and meta gameplay style so I have to do something that feels right for me. I know that my imperfect playstyle will never get me to diamond but playing meta doesn't get the other silvers to diamond either and I have more fun 😉
Irelia 100% this season. Top lane feels like home since I know tactics there (I've been trying Irelia mid, but I'll return to top lane)
With Irelia, when having decent farm, I can kill enemies that have significantly more items than me by outplaying. Also, it's not unusual to come back from a lost lane with splitpushing
I main Malzahar/Akshan.
Malzahar because I love DoT champions. I love imagining my opponent knowing they're going to die in the next second and there's nothing they can do as I go back to farming the wave. Dead man walking. I love summoning the voidlings and using them to zone enemies.
But, I realize killing your opponent in the near future isn't as useful as killing your opponent NOW, so I started playing a lot more akshan. I was an adc main to start and then kayle top for a bit. Akshan is a nice compromise, and introduction to assassin. Definitely will be trying out Naafiri when I can.