John Frink. Think OF ALL the wacky INVENTIONS he will be mAKIng.
The Simpsons
Welcome to TheSimpsons, a community for discussing everything related to America's non-prehistoric cartoon family, The Simpsons!
Right about now, you're probably saying, "Troy, basically every post starts with 'Guess the Episode', is that all this community is?"
To which I say you've got some attitude, mister.
But no, any Simpsons content is allowed in this community, although we do ask that you keep the shitposting over in !
Guess the Episode "Rules"
- Post a screenshot from an episode of the Simpsons. Frinkiac being a popular source.
- If posting a GIF the file size should be less than 1MB, otherwise it may not be animated.
- Easy, a screenshot any who's seen the Simpsons would get.
- Medium, a screenshot that would take a moment for most people to get.
- Hard, a screenshot that someone only gets after you explain it to them.
- Genius at Work, a screenshot that makes someone go, "Yeah, that's from The Simpsons, the one where the family does the funny thing".
These "Rules" aren't real, so if you think of something clever, do that instead.
Sea captain. He likes sunsets, what more could I want?
Sea captain is also a successful small business owner:
Ambition and stable income are important in a relationship. While Comic Book guy also has a small business and likely stable income, the blatant misogyny would likely be a turnoff for most women.
If Moleman is taken, have to go for my man Stu. I didn't live through the Disco era but they couldn't be that bad, right?
I too welcome our Moleman overlords.
I do enjoy Disco Stu's taste in music and lack of advertising.
He is also unafraid to be himself, that is compelling.
The professor or Otto. Neither is coming home with me afterward, but I'm imagining a bizarrely fascinating conversation over dinner with the professor, and getting blazed with Otto doesn't sound too bad either.
I hear Otto has mustard.
Otto is chill and has good weed
And he likes to get blotto!
Sea Captain knows how to get a girl wet.
He also has plenty of sea men.
Thar ~~s~~he blows
Comic book guy
The comic book guy is actually a genius, and rich.
And will die soon!
Not rich enough for me to put up with his pedantry.
Plus he'd keep asking me to cosplay Jojo characters for him and I don't have those kind of ratios.
I was thinking that his banter is probably very appealing to a lot of people on this website.
Only until he turns it on you, which he will, before the salad is even finished.
Barney, he has a fantastic singing voice and flys a helicopter.
I'd definitely go for Sober Barney. Drunk Barney is too much a babysitting job
There's going to be a planet for the French, a planet for the Chinese, and we'll all be happier.
Doin Otto dirty.
I'd go for Kirk.
He might not have the most interesting personality, but he seems like a sweet guy, who can enjoy the little things and who will also join you for the occasional adventure.
He also sleeps in a racecar bed, which is pretty neat.
The man who sent the number one cracker factory in town into a tie for sixth with Tabletime and Allied Biscuit? No thanks.
uBlock Origin user here so I gotta go with Disco Stu.
Moe Sizlak.