this is missouri.
i bet this woman still voted against amendment 3.
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It's a sad reality that most pro-life stance people don't understand that most pro-choice people are also pro-life. It certainly doesn't help that some extremists rant loudly about 9th month abortions. But a lot of people who don't like the idea of abortion still understand the need for it, both medical and otherwise, and believe the decision should rest with the parent and doctor, not the government. If there was more open an honest communication then there probably wouldn't be as many single-issue voters voting Republican because of this issue.
There are few situations where I would choose abortion, however if my wife or daughter needed an abortion for whatever reason, I'd want it to be legally available from a qualified healthcare provider with minimal wait time. This business of having to leave the state/country to get an abortion is fucking ridiculous.
I was going to make a leopards ate my face joke, but then I realized this IS the LAMF group!
God’s plan, bruh.
The poor dear has learned the consequences of voting against her interests far too late. I laughed, but at the same time I'm worried about those who voted in their interests and got fucked over.
This is just like COVID. "Do the bare minimum by staying home and social distancing to save those who cannot fight this fight." And they all said, "fuck that, I have a TV in 4K but watching church services on it just doesn't fill me with the holy spirit! Imma risk it!" And then proceed to make the pandemic worse than it had to be while adding another god damned fucking wedge issue into the mix of other wedge issues drummed up by the GOP and ultra wealthy.
If she waited it out, she and the fetus could suffer tremendously. “The thing [a doctor] said was, ‘There are things worse than death, and I have seen it,’” Farmer recounted.
Damn. Feels like it could be a good quote to oppose anti-abortion.
A medical form field we need is "what did you learn?"
She probably still believes all the bullshit too. "too many women are just getting post birth abortions for the funsies" Just the fakest stupidest lies.
Womp womp