Blocking Linux / Steam Deck in Apex Legends led to a 'meaningful reduction' in cheaters
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
Are they seriously suggesting that 33% of cheating is coming from the 2% of users that run Linux?
That is an absolute bullshit figure that I refuse to believe.
It might rather be that 33% of cheaters used (or tricked the game to think that they used) linux to bypass the anti cheat because it was an easy solution (i'm not entirely sure of that statement, I never tried to cheat), not that 33% of the cheaters were cheating because they used linux. There is a slight nuance in my opinion, but I don't really know how to explain it well, I did my best.
Unsupporting Linux just seem to have removed a fairly common way to cheat.
That being said, chances are that cheaters will eventually find other solutions, since anti-cheat is a threadmill work.
But still, that sucks, that was a pretty brutal decision.