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Heh :)
But, seriously, it's one of the natural colors humans can have.
Tends to be more likely to occur the more melanin you have, and even more likely with people of African or ~~Indian~~ south asian (as in from the vicinity of india, not just people from India, I just don't know if there's a term for that) descent.
Used to be a nurse's assistant, so I've seen a ton of people naked lol.
Interesting. Have you ever seen green nipples? Is that possible?
Kinda green-ish, but I wouldn't say fully green.
It's all about the blood supply under the skin being at the right depth and the tissue thickness. The closest I saw was on a man that was Guatemalan. Pink nipple, with a purplish blue areloa and a faint ring of greenish blue at the very outer edge.
Huh. Interesting. Thanks for the info :)