this post was submitted on 04 Aug 2023
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[–] 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

In short: Revolvers, like you, are dumb. They are designed to not allow the hammer to release unless the trigger is pulled. The full release techniques are more intricate than what I jokingly described, but it still involves the trigger.

Calling out a comment you see as being potentially inaccurate can still be done politely without insulting and degrading people. Others have done it for information I've actually gotten wrong elsewhere in this post, and I appreciate their tone.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Ah, so you can call me dumb, but if I insult you back I get reported and my comment gets removed, eh? Logical. Well, while I await response from the mods here regarding sending me that text so I can edit it more palpably for the children in the audience, I'll reconstruct why you're actually the one who posseses the attributes ascribed to both me and revolvers by you above.

Not only did that man not touch the trigger while he did what one would describe as "unload and show clear," this is a video on "decocking," which is an entirely different principle. In the video you sent he actually does it without touching the trigger at around the 32sec mark (there was a link with a time code included in my OG comment, but this time you'll have to put in the work because I have youtube running), when he presses the lever, opens the cylinder, and visually inspects the cylinder to verify the lack of ammunition, in order to make the gun safe for demonstration purposes. Not one time in that process did he touch the trigger (besides waiting 30sec in to do it, note to youtuber: Bad guntuber, that is the first thing you do and you know that, bad guntuber! Feel shame!)

That also wasn't the kind of revolver used in Rust, they were using a Colt SAA, like this one. This is how to unload and check the gun that was in Baldwin's hand when he shot that lady. Notice how the nice man in the video doesn't pull the trigger? Actually, did you hear him specifically say not to touch the trigger? Instead to keep your finger high on the frame? Yeah, who posesses the properties you ascribe to revolvers now, you revolver? (Shucks, I hope I can get away with that one, golly gee.)

Baldwin absolutely should have been expected to know how to do this, not because "everyone should" or some such nonsense as most of this thread purports my side's argument to be, but because he was holding one. Had he not been holding one I wouldn't be saying he needs to learn about it. For instance, you aren't holding one, so you don't have to learn (besides the fact that I'm correcting your misinformation and teaching it to you, so in a sense you do), but if you were going to go buy a Cimmaron or Uberti Colt SAA clone, yes, I would expect that you learn how to use one safely. Hell, if I got one and was showing it to you at my house, I would teach it to you before I even let you touch it.

Baldwin is not absolved of responsibility due to his job title not being related to firearms, I expect every human who touches a gun to know how to do so safely and if they don't, don't touch them. This is the absolute bare minimum expectation, and it is so that innocent people don't needlessly die, it is a good thing not an imposition. He may be legally cleared due to his money and connections, but on a "karmic" level for lack of a better word he is at least as responsible as that armorer, if not more when you throw in all the behind the scenes stuff like "he was also the producer, and much of their gun safety team had walked off citing safety complaints, after they'd already had two noninjurious negligent discharges, and in fact were off set that day, and they chose not only to film, but to pick up that gun and point it at the camera for not a scene but just the lolz."

How's that? I insulted you but only by referrencing your insult, does that squeak past the censors?