this post was submitted on 11 Feb 2024
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Hey everyone, I'm thinking for this one rather than posting a review thread like I normally do, we can just chat.

Has anyone picked it up? If so what are your thoughts so far? If you haven't picked it up, are you enticed by what you've seen in reviews and impressions? Do you have concerns? Also, if anyone here has played the first one, how do you like or dislike the changes they've made?

Personally, I am 90% certain I'm gonna pick it up. Tonally it looks hilarious, and gameplaywise it looks very tactical and visceral. I also think the price is just right for me to be a bit impulsive ($40). I'm trying to hype my friend group up to see if we can get a party together. If not, then I'll probably wait for them to patch the issue with public matchmaking on PS5 before I pick it up.

So what do you all think?

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[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I just copy paste what I posted on different topic below:

As the victim of the AMD 7000 series crashes, after tweak my settings through community help and my personal adaptation the crash is almost non-existent now. While the game can still be jank at times, it’s probably the best coop game by a mile. As the difficulty ramping up, more and more coordination is required, long wolfing will rarely work against some harder objectives as you would be required to do split works “while” defending the “operator”(diver that operate on gears and can't shoot) and objective area. There are plenty of mission type when level goes higher as well. To unlock better ship module upgrades requires mission samples you have to extract with the divers. That pretty much require you to explore more during mission, expose you to more risk, and make the mission time go longer. It’s very risk and reward and require on the fly decision making, almost all the time and plan can all be thrown off the table if people make very innocent mistakes. (like running away from enemies and ended up attracting even more enemies.)

If you are not fan of unstable stuff, maybe wait a month or 2, but IMO it’s very fun especially if you find groups of people to work together.