this post was submitted on 26 Mar 2024
8 points (90.0% liked)

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Who runs this lemmy community?

Me! Sandro Linux, a youtuber who does tech news videos as well as other tech videos

Will any of these articles be used in your show?

If they are good yes :)

founded 3 years ago

Over the years news search engine of Google and Bing has become increasingly useless, where even quoting specific keywords of news I know exists yields no result and I am choked with unrelated trendy local news. So, I am looking for a better news search engine (bonus if it also searches blogs and is able to differentiate as well).

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[–] 1 points 11 months ago

I've been using Kagi for a while now and I enjoy it, it feels weird paying for a search engine, but I use it a lot so I get my money's worth for sure.