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Lemmy Apps
A home for discussion of Lemmy apps and tools for all platforms.
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An extensive list of Lemmy apps is available here:
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Lemmy Plugins and Userscripts is a great place to enhance the Lemmy browsing experience. !
Lemmy Integrations is a community about all integrations with the lemmy API. Bots, Scripts, New Apps, etc. !
Lemmy Bots and Tools is a place to discuss and show off bots, tools, front ends, etc. you’re making that relate to lemmy. !
Lemmy App Development is a place for Lemmy builders to chat about building apps, clients, tools and bots for the Lemmy platform. !
Oh thank you! I couldn't set it properly:)
PS. Thunder released a new version (0.6.0) about an hour ago🙃
Thanks! Replying from Thunder now. First impressions are great!
oooooh, I somehow missed that despite using it for a long time! thanks for that
LOL, same!
Voyager supports (experimental) user tags.
Boost for Lemmy is great! Lots of customization and yes it has Tags.
Voyager has res style user tags.
Raccoon also supports tagging
Been using Connect for over a year and it works great! Free app with easy to use user tagging.
Summit for Lemmy does as well. :D