c-can i kiss him👉👈
(unless kissing boykisser makes u boy again)
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c-can i kiss him👉👈
(unless kissing boykisser makes u boy again)
you can kiss boys when you have any gender
No no, you have that backwards. And also missing a bit of info. It's more like
Any gender can kiss boys, as long as both parties are consenting.
The consent here is the key thing, not the gender.
You're telling me I've been jerking off to a boy this whole time? Not again!
Based on your username, I like to imagine Mr Magoo is a 70 year old boomer, who masturbates to source material that he claims is just vanilla pictures of naked girls. Then you, as the viewer, see what he's been masturbating to, and it's nothing "bad", but it's clearly a whole OTHER side to Mr Magoo's kinks. Just a whole bunch of femboys, and gender swapping porn. Again, not judging.
But the humor would come into play trying to figure out if Mr Magoo is actually the homophobic hateful person he claims to be, and just has bad eyesight (again, it's Mr Magoo, so it's plausible), OR does he secretly know EXACTLY what he's wackin it to, but uses the old hateful man image to cover his reputation if anyone discovers it?
I'd watch that show. Why can't Adult Swim own the rights to Mr Magoo? They owned the rights to space ghost in the mid 90s, and said "Here, go nuts. We don't give a fuck."
You're funny and imaginative.
There a hole on the other side isn’t there?
No, because I want to believe there isn't.
Thought they were fursuits lol
I want shiny fursuit of that
I wanna work there.
i would immediately pay like $200+ for one of these
Whats the thing on their chest?
I feel like anyone who has one of these would exclusively use their mouth to blow this boy. It might be hard, you might get light-headed, but by god you'll stick through until he's done!