#237F18 at 16,31
I'm curious what it'll look like. It might need a few more green pixels, but the general idea is comprehensible, I think :3
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#237F18 at 16,31
I'm curious what it'll look like. It might need a few more green pixels, but the general idea is comprehensible, I think :3
long term idea:
Aw yeah, I like it! And maybe (in the long long term) another innocent crewmate could watch them from a distance with an exclamation point over their head :3
#e08eb9 at 15,32
greens visor has turned red from blood
#ab0000 at 8, 32
Can't have the amogus be upside down
~~this pixel does not make sense, amogus needs legs~~
eh it works amogus just needs to be bigger then