why would you use pulseaudio, pipewire exists
oh i couldn't see the no sound symbol thing my phones broken screen was covering it. I get it now
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why would you use pulseaudio, pipewire exists
oh i couldn't see the no sound symbol thing my phones broken screen was covering it. I get it now
I like systemd, and I like nuts, what does that mean for me? 🤔
Gay. Next question
is this a good spot to ask why systemd hate?
No, but I'll try to answer anyway:
That fourth one, I feel, is the real sticking point. Much like Pulseaudio (same dev), whatever merits OR defects it has as a computer program are entirely 100% irrelevant, people are just mad because the head dev posted asshole things online and that means he's evil and everything he touches is retroactively shit.
Also binary logs
thank you for your effort! now i am less ignorant. i appreciate that!
it is actually about 70 separate programs designed from the ground up to work really well together. But since it's one project and they are developed together, it automatically is considered a monolith and "goes against the unix philosophy"
If you wanna learn more about the systemd drama, I highly recommend watching this if you have an hour to spare
Yes... Not sure if this is an insult though...
It is not.
Xenia is a character that lost a competition to be Linux Mascot in the nineties (to a chubby 🐧 named Tux), but was rediscovered by modern users who really latched onto her (of course they did, she's a sassy furry hacker, crack cocaine for modern Internet users), so she's enjoying a bit of a revival.
This piece of art is just some silly Linux Community jokes, using the character. (the lp0 on fire panel is so cyoot)
I want to understand the silly jokes 😭
Maybe one of these days I'll give Linux another whirl, at the very least so I can understand the in jokes of the Linux community.
It's almost like when I come across those German memes and everybody's making comments in German and the meme was in German from the German meme community and I don't get any of it and I just want to understand and be part of it LOL
I guess I need to learn German and learn about Linux LOL
e: thank you for the explanation though, it gives me more insight to the meme than I came into the thread with :)
Because I have the kind of autism that makes me enjoy explaining things, I will now explain the jokes. It won't make them funny, but at least you'll get them next time. 🤓
Holy shit, thank you <3
With some 3d printers, that lp0 message is kind of relevant again...
Xenia lost to Tux
What is Xenia and Tux
Tux is the Linux penguin. Like the logo.