Leftists not understanding the meme without a paragraph to accompany it lmao. Come on guys it's funni.
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where saddam
like what needs to happen to the 1%!
Time solves all problems. Eventually.
Stop, stop, I can only get so hard
No giant gigafactories and no money signs. Modernism Fail.
What exactly do you want to tell us with this?
No Nestle bottling all the water, I guess.
At an average global temperature increase of eleven degrees centigrade, climate models show that cloud formation stops. This, in turn, decreases the albedo of the planet, leading to even more warming.
Found the wOKe LibTArD. 👆
yep, you got me
I'm the villainous woke hippie Lib Dem communist dreaming of a world habitable for people, and I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling ten-thousand-crore dollar industries
…communist dreaming of a world habitable for people
Yup, only a communist would want the world to be “inhabitable” by everyone, without profit.
I like it as an alternative to all the ideas about the "future" that are just the status quo drawn out. This is the kind of future I want to think about when it comes to solarpunk. If this isn't the right place for something like this, please let me know.
It just isn't very clear, as the image is just a regular water circle illustration.
It's not, though? Very few coastlines have artificial sea-walls or reservoirs right up against the ~~ocean~~beach like so.
I was mainly just thinking of how our images of the future are shaped by the present, including our hopes and dreams. Even some solarpunk images I've seen created. So I thought it was a nice contrast to such things--a future that is the unhindered functioning of basic biological functions because we live more in harmony with the world around us. I guess I should have maybe added that to the original post, lol.
Thats how I read it as well. I like it, focussing more on restoring our natural cycles is the key to a healthy future.
and the right want the water cycle to halt completely. That's a new one. To be fair to them, they have certainly tried with some of their legislative choices as of late, but I wouldn't say it was a conscious effort to break science. Oh wait. Oh I just got it.