why would we care about ray tracing on a mobile phone?
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I have a pixel for the lack of bloatware, unlockable bootloader and instant/longer update path. Why would I want RT on my phone?!
I thought you got it for Cyberpunk 2077?
Frankly I miss the old pre-RT days when you could play a game and get decent AA out of it without compromising somehow
So yeah, don't care that it's not on a phone where external solutions are harder
RT is a feature on phones now?
For some strange reason, it is! https://www.androidauthority.com/ray-tracing-benchmarks-snapdragon-8-gen-2-vs-dimensity-9200-vs-exynos-2200-3355127/
You told us: Most of you don't care that the Pixel 8 lacks salt and pepper shakers
Speak for yourself! I want freshly ground salt and pepper on-the-go.