I'm not putting my mental health on the line by acutally being on 4chan, there are some good memes and shitpost on there tho. So this form of filter strikes a good balance
> Greentext
Shout out to the heroes that go there to mine it for our entertainment
4chan's random board isn't the risky experience it once was. Now it is just mostly nazis, trans hate, and porn. I'll drop by the papercraft board from time to time.
Thats the point, at one time it was pure chaos and it was SO racist, homophobic and sexist that it transcended it. A lot of people now are literally too young to remember the "glory" days.
The only thing that mattered was the bantz and how funny or fucked up you could be. "Tits or GTFO" wasnt implying that women werent welcome or a lower class, it meant that it wasnt relevant to the shitposting. Canadians were called "Syrup Ni**ers" or "Leaf f*gs" regardless. It was horrifying and at the same time amazing because we all knew it was just lulz. But people took the edgelord humor and made it their personality, they took it seriously. It became a cesspit.
Ah, the tragedy of any in-joke. If not everyone is in on the joke, eventually it stops being a joke.
Even if they are. We are who we pretend to be
we all knew it was just lulz
Many, even most of you, sure.
All? Definitely not. I know someone who succumbed to the brain rot of 4chan, and went from a "normie" who (at least outwardly) treated all races and types of people with respect, to someone who viciously mocked our autistic friends, thought it was funny to use the F bomb and N word in public, and then eventually started getting super political, eventually becoming a trumpist (once that became a thing) then a full on qanon weirdo.
The last time I saw him I stopped by at a local coffee shop where a young black woman was working behind the counter, and he walked up and loudly shouted "HEY MY N****R!" (hard R) to me in front of her, she was mortified and ended up quitting the job, I told him off for it but was so embarassed I didn't go back to that place for months.
We haven't spoken in years, he's separated from the friend group entirely (nobody wants anything to do with him), and it all started with 4chan normalizing this sort of behaviour for him. He was never the sharpest tool in the shed, and you can say it was his own fault for taking it seriously, but it's sad regardless how he went from a lonely teenager to a hateful adult because of these "jokes" that "nobody" took seriously.
I mean, you even admit in your post, about edgelords "they took it seriously", well guess what that shit ruins lives and makes the entire world a worse place.
But wow it was so funny how that one guy said the no no word and didn't mean it right? So funny!
This comment made me realize how similar in feeling 4ch was back in the day to the whole GME/wallstreetbets era. The whole frantic one upmanship was pretty nostalgic haha
As an apparent normie middle aged woman with no interest in stocks or 4chan or any of the green text nonsense, I subbed to wallstreetbets when the GME thing was going down.
It was one of the silliest, absurd and funniest things I've witnessed a group of people doing online. The ongoing stuff about 'my wife's boyfriend', all the rocket ships and diamonds, screenshots of people's plummeting investments with responses of 'apes/autists together strong'. It was just so, so dumb and relentlessly funny. There was something that felt very early internet about it. Silliness without ego because everyone was just trying to outdo each other's patheticness.
When I was there probably about 15 years ago one of the things I remember most were death threads, where people posted clips of people dying in the worst ways possible. Some where getting hit by a car, some were electrocution by power line, some were terrorist beheading videos. Yeah, the kids there now haven't seen anything.
(I'm not saying this to defend it. It was horrible and probably no one should see it. I'm just pointing out how the kids there today acting like 4chan is the same place it used to be are wrong.)
I'm good, thanks
That's probably the safer approach
I accidentally visited 4chan a few weeks ago and have had a persistent rash on my left hip ever since.
My teeth are falling out too, but I believes that that's down to the scurvy.
Yeah that sounds about right
Are there apps to browser 4chan that you know?
Just use the fucking website why does everything have to be an app these days
Because the website is horrible on small screens
I use Clover (f-droid too) no ads - smooth navigation
It cannot post on the site but for what it is now this is a feature
Kuroba Ex for Android at least. It's in F-Droid
I'm glad I don't use 4chan
In all fairness, they are zoo animals
They do fling their poo around as if they were zoo animals
That last line is too fucking funny. They’re figuring it out.
Posting here is cultural reeeepropriation
Anon gains self awareness
browsing 4chan is like diving for pearls in a sewer. thank you, I'd rather just look at the pearls after they've been cleaned.
I’m so glad I don’t use Reddit
Act like an animal, get treated like one.
What is a robot9001?
It’s a deity from the /x/ board, you can only summon it by posting pictures of yourself pouring chocie milk down the sinky winky
You could say literally anything and I wouldn't know the difference. Every one of those words sounds like nonsense to me. Fuck I feel old.
I think the monkeys are learning...
Quickly, pretend like we aren't watching at all, and disable the subreddits and other social media.
Give it a week and they will have forgotten all about it, and we can go back to eating popcorn.
Maybe don't act like zoo animals lol
I bet his friend can't even triforce
Throwback to 2008
I already wasted highschool and college there. I'm not spending my adult years there too.
I've visited 4chan a few times but I don't really know where to start. There's no general chat is there?
I don't really know where to start.
Choose a board that fits you, there are many boards talking about technology, fitness, games, anime etc.. Choose what fits you and try them.
~~I'm so glad I don't use 4chan~~
but arguably lemmy much closer to it than reddit
More like broken lab animals.
Proud to be called a normie by someone from *chan, I've touched grass once or twice
Alt title: Anon suffers cognitive dissonance when learning 4chan is treated like a zoo exhibit.
gawking noises