It takes a lot of time to decide on what parts of the game will be sold as DLC and which celebrity voice actor they'll spend 90% of their budget on.
The Elder Scrolls
The Elder Scrolls (commonly referred to as TES) is an award-winning series of roleplaying games created by Bethesda Softworks. Set in the vast world of Nirn, The Elder Scrolls series is renowned for the level of unprecedented control given the player over his or her character's destiny, establishing itself as the benchmark in immersive, independently-living worlds for the RPG genre.
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There's exactly one correct answer to the last bit and they got it right with Oblivion. It's obviously Patrick Stewart.
I'd also be willing to go for Samuel L Jackson. And he has to say motherfucker once. Or even better, an in-universe insult that sounds similar.
It's Sir Patrick Stewart again, but he voices every part.
The success with when was so great, I am sure they are very anxious now about breaking that. Like how can you beat Skyrim? Must be a tremendous amount of pressure on the team.
At least Skyblivion is getting closer. 2024 or 2025.
It's not official, but I never played Oblivion, so I have high hopes for experiencing it re-imagined in a modernish engine.
It probably won't be worth the wait honestly... I feel like they've dropped nothing but disappointments since Skyrim.
We'll see. If Starfield is as bland as it looks from the Direct I'll definitely be writing off ES6. I hope it's good though.
Todd and Hines' dream of simplifying everything got old in Oblivion.
Edit. Oh damn I didn't realize your comment was 11 days old.
Idk, there's some really interesting gameplay they have improved on since Skyrim, like companions, settlements, etc. Personally I can't wait to have a TES game with those improvements even if the story is so-so.
Hot take
That's not necessarily good or bad. It's just the fact that they refuse to form a second decision and only work on one title at a time. And I don't fault them for being tired of the same two IPs over and over again. ESO has been doing pretty well for new elder scrolls content, Skyrim is still as relevant as it was the last 6-8 years and stsrfield is shaping up to be either a massive success to get them back to their good reputation or the death of the studio.
Seriously why would they invest so much into tesVI already if starfield could Literally cause them to lose any sense of a good reputation and possibly be shoved aside by Microsoft as a dead weight studio that works way too slow and not worth the time and effort.
A new half life game came out since Skyrim. And it's been 3 years since then.
The Duke Nukem Forever of The Elder Scrolls universe...
On the other hand, they've gotten really good at releasing Skyrim!
If I don't have Skyrim on my TV remote by the end of the year I'm rioting
If you had told 23-year-old me that the brand new copy of Skyrim I was holding would be the last mainline Elder Scrolls game I’d play until I was in my 40s..
Wow, that's rough.. at least I'll have something to play in my 40s 😅 Maybe TES 7 will be out by the time I retire as well.
That means the game is going to be supernatural :)