Makes a game about beating the shit out of people
Complains about offences to public order and morals
PC Gaming
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Features scantily clad women with anatomically absurd proportions
Shocked when thirsty perverts make lewd mods
Oh no nudity!! My christian eyes, it burns!!!
Christians should only play Christian games, like Doom Eternal or something.
Idk... In doom eternal you do kinda
kill God,
then find out the devil is actually megagod,
then kill megagod...
So it has God in it!
Hey, whoa, its consensual shit beating.
Well, except that one guys car.
well, I do understand that in tournaments the games shouldn't be modded.
Otherwise: let players do what ever they please.
Does this game not have any anticheat? I would have expected the game to stop you from loading modded content into multiplayer.
The mod was running on a caster's machine. Perhaps some spectator mode.
Edit: Here's the clip BTW (Warning NSFW): https://files.catbox.moe/52t0v1.mp4
Oh no, there go my morals
I'm surprised the textures aren't added locally. The host sends their textures to other players? That sounds so inefficient.
Fuck the puritans and their morals.
So you're saying you want to fuck Puritans? 😏
Yes. In more ways than one. It's the only way they'll learn.
Some of them can be very hot but a boring fuck i guess sonce they would just whant missionary.
"Public order and morals." Lmfao
Who even says that shit?
As a person who has lived in a more oppresive country for the most of his life, I can tell you with high confidence that when you hear "public order and morals" it is usually a whole load of bullshit to appease the general population. Also there is a very high chance that the people saying this shit gain something from the changes made to ensure the "public order and morals"
Xi’s China. Makes me wonder who influences Capcom PR.
CCP does, the whole tone reeks of authoritarian propaganda on their level (not saying it comes from them, it's just similar).
Also religious freaks do that.
"You need to produce more kids, but God forbid you see a nipple in the wild!"
"Our game about people with sexually stylized bodies punching each other in the face shall not be morally tarnished"
oFfeNcIVe tO PUBiC orDEr aND mORALs
Fuck this garbage bullshit moral panic.
I agree with them. There was a mod for GTA 4 I have seen back in the day where a sicko had replaced the all citizens with imprisoned Jews and created an Auschwitz map... That was severely against public order and morals.
Oooh, oh you mean tiddies? Don't be fucking ridiculous!
Saved you a click: there are no pictures of the mod in action in the article.
Here is the tweet link. https://twitter.com/nicholasdeorio/status/1686142593833345024
Lol, that's less exciting than I expected.
There's more nudity in Boulders Gate, without mods, like in the game. And basically no one seems to actually care.
Do they happen to give a list of which mods these are and where I can find them? So I know which ones to avoid, obviously.
'There are a number of mods that are offensive to public order and morals'
Don't let this idiot find out about Rimworld.
Oh noes! Such ofens to morals
-- Capcom, as they pat their eyes with wads of cash
Fun. Excuses to limit modding…
AAA studios don't like mods much anyways. Mods are just creative DLC that the studio didn't make and can't force players to keep buying to keep profits up, along with shutting down private game servers - again forcing players to use or rent official servers for $. Mods keep older games alive that studios may not want to host files for anymore.
There's no shortage of reasons to limit mods...outrage over boobs is a drop in the bucket.
Sure, but this is their excuse to clamp down and limit all mods for the reasons you listed under the banner of morals and such.
for the purposes of its engine's anti-cheat tech—"all mods are defined as cheats, except when they are officially supported."
While on one hand this seems silly and overreaching, I am also reminded of just how much trouble Rockstar got in for the Hot Coffee mod. The game was reclassified as adult in the US and banned in Australia, and I think they got hit with fines as well as a lawsuit.
Now sure this was content that technically shipped with the game, but since it was impossible to access without modding for all practical purposes it was added by the mod.
And such a silly overreaction to the hot coffee situation
People were perfectly fine when their kids could murder and beat up civilians, but oh no not a poor simulation of sex!
Yeah it's mindblowing when murder, which is pretty universally considered not ok, is somehow more acceptable to present than sex, which is a completely normal thing that is accepted in all societies.
Meanwhile in Baldur's Gate 3...
Really? I can remember mods to do exactly this (in other games) over 20 years ago.
They probably know, they're just making a fuss because it happened in front of too many people.
Capcom need to hire some Western employees and then elevate them to high ranks because they need a better perspective.
It's like Nintendo they're utterly insane do not ever talk about our games online attitude. You know, because heaven forbid they get free advertising.