Jesus seems to have been a good dude. It's his fans that can be cunty
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I dunno, that whole "walk away from your family and follow me, stop planning ahead and do what I say" speech isn't exactly great.
Dude started a cult before it was cool
Cults have always been cool. Like cigarettes.
Nah he started a cult exactly when it was cool after seeing his cousin try one
Have you met the family? They're pretty cunty.
The back of that T-shirt is actually less offensive than the front lol
What's the front?
A masturbating nun
This is the correct answer. It's a Cradle of Filth T-Shirt
Hell yes. Excellent article. Thank you!
Dude on the right, I hear he's kind of a cunt.
What happened to 'Turn the other cheek,' tough guy? Don't you have to go chase pigs off a cliff or wash feet or something?
Metal Festivals in a nutshell
Jesus: ..... pointing down from the wrist ... you sir, are going to hell