ADHD Women
A community for women to find support and discuss living with ADHD.
Image Transcription: Tumblr
God, I can't tell you enough how much the "there's not enough enrichment in my enclosure" joke has helped my mental health. Because, for some reason I can't comprehend, pretending that I'm a zoo keeper caring for an animal (which is also me) just makes everything easier to comprehend. Like "Your head gets screwey when you're apartment is messy" just doesn't carry as much resonance as "The tiger becomes agitated when its enclosure is cluttered" because then I'll be like, no shit? The tiger? I've gotta keep things nice and clean for the tiger.
Oh thank you! I should really do this for all of my image posts. Is posting it in a comment the best way to make it more accessible?
That's what you have to do because I don't think you can add text to an image post on lemmy.
Thank you, I'll start doing that.
You can, Lemmy has both a link and text field instead of Reddit's enum.
This is more or less something I am actively trying. I just read Convenience Store Woman, and the way the main character/narrator thinks and talks about herself and her convenience store is very similar to how I think of myself and my dispensary. Tbh, I don't know if I've ever identified with a character more than Keiko. So I've decided to become the creature known as a dispensary worker. I have to take care of myself so I can be a good dispensary worker. I have to keep my life in order for the dispensary. It's very important to me, and I'm very important there.
I only just started thinking this way, but so far I'm encouraged. I didn't end the day so hungry it was hard to count money tonight. I made myself eat so I would have focus and energy to close. 2023 was a year of wild change, almost all for the better. In 2024, I'm going to stay right where I am and learn to listen to the voice of the dispensary <3
I love this post so much. I don't even know how to explain it, but it made me feel like I just drank a warm cup of tea and I'm brewing a second one, smiling in anticipation. 2024 will be a good year.
I mean this is an obvious life hack, and a quite strong one. It's similar to how the japanese think and talk of themself in third-person view.
This sounds REALLY good. Is there a name for this technique? Cognitive behavioral roleplay? Fantasy-sewn self-care? 😅