Reload the last save (day 6)
Holy hell
Other chess communities:
Then we tell them to do the same things that were asked for the past 60 days
shit, I didn't save the gimp file for that day
"You're finally awake" opening cutscene from Skyrim.
New game+
We get to keep our stats from the last play through
Install Zork v1.1
Well, I guess I learned one legal move… let’s see. pulls out anarchy chess rule book and flips to page 69
Insert “Anarchy Chess Vol. 2” 8” floppy. ./install
“Huh, is this Super Mario 64’s first bowser arena as a chess board?”
Put aside the current game of anarchy chess, set up another board, and play a sub-game of anarchy chess on that board using only the pieces missing from this one, plus a King for each side.
The winner of that sub-game may return one surviving piece of their choice to the board of the main game. That piece may not be a King.
Press F to pay respects
Twas a stupid game.