I’m still on the version they shipped out at release so I can keep my dupe glitch. Somehow I’ve put in over 200 hours in the game despite being a cheater, and I’m still grinding like crazy. Not sure why Nintendo set the economy the way they did tbh
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There are several dupe glitches. I'm always running the latest version of the game and yesterday I gave myself 999,999 rupees using this glitch. It took me 5min since I already had a bit over a hundred diamonds on me thanks to this dupe glitch.
I play Zelda to explore and kick ass, not to worry about running out of money.
What!? How? How do people find these glitches!? I’ll be damned.
Having gotten into watching "speedrun explanation" videos, I am fairly sure that people find these glitches so easily because they are simply testing old glitches from other games that work based on knowledge of the game engine/general game coding errors that are common everywhere. Like finding ways to clip through walls is similar in most games, so they might be found super fast in a brand new game.
Yeah, I usually don’t mind grinding that much, but grinding thousands of ores by mining rocks that destroy my hammer for every dozen of ores is awful. You have to grind rocks to build hammers to grind more ores to trade them for other things but you can only do that a few times per day, and then you trade these new things for a battery cell. Repeat all of that 47 times to get the full battery. What were they thinking ?
Even if I enjoyed the game there is no way I’ll replay that ever again.
I just throw the Goron against the Rocks. ¯_ (ツ) _/¯
Same here. I’ll be damned if I update the game.
Nope! Still not updating this game!
I didn't want to use dupe glitches in this game, but the economy is ridiculous. Basic armor sets are priced like luxury commodities.
For me the armor sets aren't even that expensive, it's the upgrades that are stupid expensive. 760 rupees per piece is too much, it's 2200+ rupees per set which is stupid expensive considering how many sets we have and how little money we get. Not to mention some of the materials are just annoying to get. I got around 12 fire tails from doing most of death mountain region and the start of the gerudo desert area. You need 30 to fully upgrade the cold suit so I thought I might as well grind a bit to get the rest. About an hour later I got more 3 tails. I then proceeded to dupe all the tails I would need in less than 15 minutes. I've now killed plenty more but I still wouldn't have 30 if I wanted to do it legit.
I don't think the economy is that bad, but the game could be a lot better about telling you how it wants you to make money.
How does it want you to make money? Hitting ore rocks and selling the gems is basically my only plan haha
Cook prime meat or gourmet meat. Skewers made out of 5 of them will sell for 135 or 315 rupees, respectively, iirc.
You can farm them quite efficiently by shooting wolves, bears, and moose in Tabantha snowfield.
I ended up making most of my money by selling spare monster parts - the fangs and such that you're meant to attach to arrows, not swords. I had hundreds of them, never used them, and they aren't significantly used in armor upgrades - selling most of what I had netted probably close to 10k rupees.
I do this too. My only gripe is that I have to use a spreadsheet to track my armor upgrades and what mats I still need so I don't end up selling too many. This could be fixed with something like a storage item that I could just dump the mats I want to keep in and sell everything else.
You're more organized than I was at least - I just kept all that in a notepad tab.
If you're interested: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10uRmGhT0QP-X2Kv4BowUxJ4noYjHycva/edit?pli=1#gid=911256136
Just save a copy to your google sheets account. I did not make this.
Not the most efficient but buying duplicate armor from bargainer statues and selling them is a quick way to make a good amount of rupees.
There are a few good ways to do it and the comments basically cover all the best ones.
Remember that wizrobes drop weapons with gems attached that can be broken apart in Tarrey Town, so if you have a couple weapon slots to spare you can make a few hundred there.
Poe's can be converted at a rate of 150 to 600 rupees if you buy armor from the bargainer statues and sell it.
The game also gives you way more brightbloom seeds than you will ever need, so you can sell excess of those too for 2 rupees a piece. I kept a floating inventory of ~200 and probably sold over 3000 over the course of the game
that's the best way I know how (without dupes)
mine ore and sell them to the Gerudo lady near Death Mountain, she gives a premium for a rotating set of ores each time
fight moldugas -> sell the ridiculous amount of parts it drops
I also didn't want to dupe and make it too easy. I grind a bit when I need rupees to upgrade my armor or add a room to my house. Hasn't been too much, but it's enough for a challenge.
Things that can make some money if you need it are selling the 5 meat meals. 5 Prime meats make meat skewers and they sell for a good amount. I forgot the exact amount. You can go down one step in the meats and sell that skewer for like 135, I believe.
Breaking apart the fire/ice/lighting Wizrobe weapons and selling the gems.
I’ll keep my duping, thanks though!
Why not?
Dupe kids afraid to leave his dupe
Oh I didn’t even know there was a dupe glitch. I don’t like doing that anyway so I guess it doesn’t matter that I updated!
Been playing with h4x on Atmosphere.
Disclaimer: I bought and still own the game-card version of the game.
I still need to finish this. There’s just so much to see
I saw the update pop up this morning, but I haven't updated myself yet. Have more items to duplicate using the arrow glitch before I grab this.
How did you play without updating? My wife and I are driving through northern Canada with no service and her Switch didn't allow her to start the game because the update was mandatory. I'm not even sure how the device knew there was an update needed.
The game is open -- so I can choose to start the software without updating. I believe if I close the game, it will update automatically.
After 1.1.2 came out and mine auto update, I turned off automatic updates, removed my home's SSID settings from the network settings, and turned it on airplane mode just to be sure.
All my gaming is local, anyway.
I lost the early glitch and am almost late enough in the game to use the arrow one…not sure what to do
You can postpone the update until dupe as much as you need and then update
Yeah I might go that route; I'm 170+ hours in so just from playing the game I'm not really hurting for many resources but I'm also not sure how far I am from being able to actually take advantage of that one area. On the zappy islands right now so I think I'm close-ish but I also have been taking my time with stuff lol.