Ahh, my first home assistant update blog post on kbin. Nature is healing!
Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Available for free at home-assistant.io
Yes! Let's make this place feel like home ๐
I'm happy to finally be able to re-arrange my dashboard. Not drag and drop, but it's a good start. I am guessing the numbering is now top to bottom so 1 top left, 2 below, 3 below that and so forth, but it doesn't on mine at least. I have 1 top left, 2 below, 7 below that, 3 next to 1 and so forth. But at least, I know where I can target my placement now. :)
Sounds like maybe there's a little refinement needed for that functionality but, like you said, it's a step in the right direction!
The masonry layout makes this very awkward
Once we have a native / scalable (multi room / multi device) hardware option for voice with wake words these new features for phrases and such are going to be great.
Other than the text to speech which I already use for announcements most of the speech stuff I am holding off on till I can full circle replace my Google Home Minis for basic commands.
What is currently stopping you from replacing them with something like Willow and a few ESP32-S3-BOX's?
Waiting for end to end support in HA with easy setup. I have been tracking progress and rhasspy but want to wait for all the components to work end to end.
I have 5 rooms with Google minis in them I want to be fairly sure about the hardware before I commit hundreds to it. I might get one to play with.
Will upgrade after the inevitable 2023.7.1 update in a few days ๐
Surprise! It's available now.
๐ might wait a couple more days in that case
Dashboard layout is my biggest complaint about HA so glad to see they are giving that a little attention.
Time to upgrade to 2023.6!
I'm guessing you run HA supervised. Or is there a way to update to older version on normal HA, as well?
I'm not sure what supervised means in this context. I run HA in a container on a k8s cluster, so I just point at whatever image version I want to use, which is ALWAYS at least one step behind "latest" :)
Lots of cool stuff in this release. I could see some very cool automations being built using the new service responses.
Deep links for the AppleTV is sweet! I can give my kids a button and have the tv play Baby Shark ๐คฃ
Nice, I missed that! I have Apple TVs in every room at my place, so that's a big upgrade for me.
I worry about your mental health if you implement your button though ๐