I had an Atari 520ST hand me down. North&South, Stuntcar Racer, Populous.. so many great games
PC Gaming
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Me too! I had an STe.
Stuntcar Racer was awesome.
I also really liked Hunter but I only ever wondered around as I never really had a bloody clue as to what I was doing.
Mega Lo Mania was not too dissimilar to Populous
I forgot about Mega Lo Mania! "Si Si, it's a not a gonna work". That was also an excellent game.
I don't remember Hunter, but I do remember not having a clue how to properly play many things! 😂
I grew up on an Amiga 500. Looking back, my dad had a great taste in software, I had a lot of the classics.
The first game I ever played on that was Silkworm, and the one that impressed me most was Shadow of the Beast. Terrible gameplay, incredible visuals and sound that, imo, still hold up today.
I taught myself English by playing Sierra adventure games. Used to ask my dad what every word meant until he brought an English dictionary.
I have been wanting a bog-standard 486DX66 or DX100 for some time now. Just a standard tower, 16-32Mb of RAM, Winchester drive with DOS 6 and Windows 3.11, that kind of stuff.
Unfortunately, anything local is either broken, in parts, or both.
I do have a 386, but it’s just not the same.
Commodore64 with Maniac Mansion
I’m too young to have use them back in the day but I’m looking to get an Amstrad CPC eventually.
The old apple II holds special place in my heart since it was a salvaged machine that I first saw a computer game on, learned about electronic repair and programming.
The other one is the 80386 since that was the first x86 and exposure to pc gaming and had the harrowing experience of installing a cyrix 486 upgrade that required some soldering for a younger kid.
My first was Spectrum 48kb made in UK.
The first microprocessor: https://hackaday.com/2024/01/30/the-worlds-first-microprocessor-f-14-central-air-data-computer/