I always used certbot idk if this is still a thing.
This is a place for all topics regarding Synology hard- and software - especially (but not limited to) their NAS devices.
Just one thing: Let’s please be pleasant to each other and respect that people have different experience levels. Some are pros, some are noobs, yet everybody may have good ideas or interesting questions to ask and comments to make, and all of these shall be heard and appreciated. ❤️
And since we know from TV that all IT nerds 🤓 are h4xx0rs
and wear hoodies all the time (if not even ski masks) in front of their computers, I chose an appropriate banner image (image credit).
It’s hard to tell without an error log, but I remember having issues because my user had two factor authentication enabled. If you do too, check out the applicable note here: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/Synology-NAS-Guide#deploy-the-default-certificate
I just use the built-in "Control Panel > Security > Certificates" to get a Let's Encrypt certificate.
They get stored in /usr/syno/etc/certificate/system/default
if you need them for something custom...