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Unless I'm missing something, I'm guessing a lot of the not-using-turn-signal idiots are also distracted on their phone. There must be significant overlap on that Venn diagram.
Also overlapped with the people who think that if you miss your exit, the correct response is to swerve across four lanes of traffic and across road markings, so that you don't have to just go one stop further and turn around.
The smart turn signal is a good idea, when I first read it I thought it would be an automatic thing based on where the vehicle wheels are positioned but it looks to just be an audible and visual reminder. That's still cool, I think annoying people has proven a pretty good way to get them to do something.
Mirror, signal, manouver.
Turning the wheel is a manouver. You should indicate BEFORE turning the wheel to INDICATE your intention.
I see a lot of drivers start a manouver THEN indicate which is pointless as I have already worked out what the idiot is doing.
In the US, the standard is to signal first, then check your mirrors/blind spots, then go, which is even better, IMO.
That's in theory, of course. Plenty of drivers can't seem to manage that.
There's also the problem that you signal and everyone speeds up to close the gap.
People are assholes.
I live in Las Vegas. Everybody does this. If you want to actually merge you will force your way in. If you signal first you’ll get cut up by everybody including big rigs and miss your turn
Except that guy that got in the middle lane to merge with traffic and didn't stop to wait for an opening. He kept driving till he hit the left turn at the intersection. Dude deserved to have the gap closed on him.
Check your mirrors to ensure a manoeuvre is safe THEN indicate. Why indicate before if it may not be safe to manoeuvre?
It's to tell everyone that you will be going in that direction. Have you never been in heavy traffic before? Safe is more so of an agreement between you and potentially the person you will be cutting off while they agree to your turn signal.
I learned SMS. Signal, Mirror, Shoulder check (blind spots)
Add crossing multiple lanes for turns/exits/no apparent reason at all to the list, while you’re at it.
I feel the lack of signal use is thinking you'll be doing something quickly and you don't see anyone where you'll be turning. That's also exactly why we need to be signing though.
Exactly. This is why I don't bother washing my hands when there's nobody else in the bathroom.
I'm not buying that conclusion.
Ban cars
I love when people just repeatedly say the same infeasible solutions over and over again
Definitely helps out the cause and doesn’t make people bitter towards the idea
Unless that’s what you’re going for ig
Ban cars is a lot like saying defund the police
It makes a whole lot of sense when you stop and examine the reasoning, but it masks the wide reaching social and infrastructure reforms needed to accomplish it with a short meme that people misinterpret.
Exactly my point - it’s catchy and edgy sure but it’s probably not going to be sufficient and I’m gonna argue it’ll only give fuel to the opposition
You're not wrong. I should say more than that. Cars are a systemic issue that has seeped it's way into every aspect of society here in the US. Everything is really far apart and outside of major cities there is no public transit that is quick and reliable so the only way to get around is to drive. Now everyone needs to buy and maintain a large vehicle. It's expensive and takes up a lot of space in an extremely inefficient way. So inefficient that no highway could ever dream of transporting as many passengers as a single bus or train. The expense disproportionately effects poor people as the cost of a car doesn't go down and just takes up a higher percentage of your income. Essentially being the reason you can't ever save money and simultaneously the only thing bringing money in.
Don't forget about the climate effect it causes, and electric cars only sort of help.
Horse and buggy renaissance! LET'S GOOOOO
I wonder if they were to repeat the study now, over 10 years later, if anything would have changed.
If a BMW has a signal light on, you can be pretty sure it was purchased in that condition.