A friendly place to chat.
No politics please. Don't be a dick.
It was my wedding anniversary yesterday, so actually managed to sit outside at the pub and have a meal! Even our baby was well behaved!
Happy anniversary! Hope you both had a good one
Thanks we did 😀
Took advantage of last night being warm and drank a lot of wine with the wifey in the garden. Feeling surprisingly good today and looking forward to scrambled eggs for lunch 🤤
I'm probably Festering.
Coming out of the tail end of Covid (my 3rd go yay!), I got stuck at my mum's for a week and only managed to get home Weds night. It was a bit of a trek and wiped me out so I'm just going to continue yesterday's routine of lying on the sofa watching TV with occasional feeding breaks. My flat is a bit of a state so I might try and do little bits of sorting that out. After a week of quarantining in a tiny bedroom at my mum's, and having to look after both of us while being ill and trying not to make her ill, a few days of lying on my sofa and tidying my flat is actually heaven.
Going to the zoo today. So should be a pretty good one!
Love the zoo! Which one you off to?
It was Blackpool Zoo! Just to finish off our little holiday
Nice one. Love Blackpool - my aunt stays there so I was shipped off down there every summer. Not been in ages though!
Getting to wfh today after a hospital appointment. Feeling very tired after gettig no sleep the other night. Can't wait for a lie-in tomorrow.
- 9 days in Edinburgh, just got back
- 5 year old in tow
- easyJet delayed, got to bed at 2am
- awake but off till Monday
- craving salad
Morning folks.
Happy Friday. Not for me though! Work are doing this stupid fucking push towards ai (years late IBM, as usual) and have arranged this stupid Watsonx challenge we have to participate in. I’m leading a team that aren’t bothering their arse. Work has given us hardly any notice and it’s all set up as a “sneaky” way to get us to train it I suspect.
Kicked off last Friday and the deadline is Sunday yet I’m still fannying around with Jupyter notebooks trying to get it set up and accepting the data. Clueless. Doesn’t help that there is zero context for setting it up, just a huuuuge list of instructions.
Driving back home to Edinburgh today after a week in the Highlands. Not sure I'm ready for the busyness. Looking forward to my own bed though.
Update. Home now. Bloody traffic around those roundabouts at Perth. It's always a nightmare.
Stopped off at a wee pebble beach on the south east side of Loch Ness on the way home. Much quieter and less touristy than the other side. Great views, and a top espresso from a wee van. A great way to round off a week on the Highlands. But man, I need to get the AC fixed in the car. Sunny most of the way back. All sweaty.
Just seven hours of work to go to the weekend, in the home office today so that's a plus.
Driving up from Winchester to Edinburgh today, Seeing friends tonight and then the Tattoo tomorrow evening. It's been about (mumblemumble) years since I saw it at the age of 6 or 7. Forecast is a bit pants though so waterproof layers will be the order of the day!
Tip from a local. The weather is nearly always better than the forecast in Edinburgh. But the other thing no-one tells the foreigners is that August is the wettest month.
Last full day of holiday and going back to Heatherton as it was so good earlier in the week.