This is a really underwhelming month for me. I've already got Borderlands 3 and Among us and I've no interest in EA sports games. Usually there's at least 1 game I have some interest in.
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Are the ea spoets franchises starting to do poorly as they seem to be giving them away quite a bit. Or have they just devolved into microtransaction platforms instead of regurgitation of the same game with new logo and player names?
The nature of their release cycle is that enthusiasts are going to buy it on launch. They're not losing sales doing it this way.
They also aren't the same game. Rosters might be why casual fans upgrade, but the advancement of the sports sim is what (non micro transaction hell) enthusiasts are paying for. The progression from year to year is abundantly obvious in higher level play.
My incredulity is as boundless as it is impotent.
What's the consensus on Borderlands 3? I enjoyed the first two when they came out but never got round to playing this one.
The gameplay is fun. The plot and characters are a dumpster fire. Skip the cut scenes and ignore the dialogue and enjoy the shooty looty goodness.
That's fair, thanks! It's probably one of those games that I'll play at sooome point, but I've got much better ones to be getting on with in the meantime
It's fine as a switch your brain off and shoot stuff game. But I'd agree other stuff is probably worth more of your time.
Well, I'll add them to my library. I can say that much about them. 😁