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Atheist Memes
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Your god is a lie, my god is a lie - all gods are lies! Hail Eris, all hail Discordia!
It’s moments like this when religious people get all mystical and say that all religions are ultimately orbiting the same thing. They will say this as if they are the first person to ever think of it, and as if it makes them a next level innovative thinker and an elevated spirit.
In fact it’s just a way to cop out of the issue. If all religions are the same then prove it and worship fucking Marduk or whatever. But no. Today religions are all the same. Tomorrow, we’ll be back to following the Bible literally because it’s objectively the direct word of god.
What if on top of that, I add that wherever the story of Adam and Eve comes from God tells humans “not to be religious”. The cause fall of man is knowledge of Good and Evil. Knowledge of Good and evil is religion.
It is not right from wrong. Adam and Eve had knowledge of right and wrong. As it was wrong to “eat from the tree” therefore right to not do so.
Or "none of the above" perhaps
It's weird to me that some atheists here are seeing this as evidence that religious people are dumb. What makes anyone think that they wouldn't also be worshipping whatever god their parents and culture taught them to worship if they grew up in Babylonia 6000 years ago? This meme points out that we are the product of our upbringing. Calling religious folks stupid in this thread lacks the very self awareness that it criticises, and isn't going to win any arguments anyway.
Many of us here know what it's like to be religious. To grow up not knowing better. We know how short-sighted, guillible and hypocritical religion makes people.
Religion is a control mechanism. It helps people feel better about things they can't control, mysterious ways and all that, but it is always about control and power. Ea is gonna get you, be scared