This is the first time I've seen a "it just keeps getting worse" post and actually agreed. I went in n just expecting terrible siding, then the inside of the house, then the chairs, then the lights, then more chairs, the carpet, the exposed wiring, why are there chairs there?, it just kept escalating. Thank you for this.
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
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I concur. Most "it gets worse" style posts have one or two odd things. This one truly delivered.
It's a 3 bedroom (all queens?), 5 bath house with seating for 20. It's either some crazy orgies at night in only a few beds, a business call center kind of place, or they had massive family gatherings with alarming regularity. Of course there's always the cult option, which means it could also be "all of the above".
There is the wall of family photos on shelves... Maybe family get together center?
What's up with the industrial scale sewing equipment?
I made my wife look at it, then I had to go back because she noticed even more insanity. It just kept getting worse every time we went through the pictures.
Somebody got a smoking deal on a ridiculous quantity of siding.
With all those hard surfaces and open spaces, the echoes in this place must be unreal.
That’s why they carpeted the bedroom walls.
The current owner is the only guy in North America to not have a podcast.
I lost it when I saw that the siding continues inside. They really went for that one texture look.
Also the through-wall Air Conditioner in the shower????
What do you mean I can't install siding on the inside... It's called "siding" not "outsiding" it goes on every side!
I was really disappointed that in Exterior Features there was Vinyl Siding listed but it wasn't also listed on the Interior Features. I would've lost it at that.
There's a through-wall box fan just outside another shower.
Looks like it could be easily transformed into a swinger club. And you could power wash the whole facility after the weekends.
And since it’s Arkansas, that’s fun for the whole family!
Here's my two shots in the dark to explain this monstrosity:
Retired couple buys one of those workshop/huge garage and apartment combos. They decide to turn the workshop into an event space for weddings.
They add a few conveniences for the wedding party, like a couple extra bedrooms to get ready, and a black and red honeymoon suite. The decor is hideous because retired wife is old af and it looks good to her. Retired husband sucks at DIY, like electrical and room layout, but doesn't let small things like planning get in his way.
Grandson works at a siding company that mainly does B2B installs and often has leftovers. Sometimes he grabs other overage from the project after talking to other tradies, like a banister here and there. Maybe an orphan cabinet base.
Grandson wants to start his own siding business one day so he is happy to practice installs on the wedding rental building.
Alternative: Fundie church does secret child marriages here and the couple that maintains the property is allowed to live there as well. The ugliness of the property is because they're purely utilitarian and just need a facade of wedding shit because it's not really about the wedding as much as it's about keeping it on the down-low.
neighbors are a church
Is the church still active?
If it's recently defunct or relocating, I'd bet this is the parsonage, assembled on a shoestring budget from the church offering, and using whatever materials they could source as absolutely cheaply as possible.
I'm guessing that either a member of the congregation or family connection of same is a siding guy and was able to get all of this for free or obscenely cheap from somewhere, or was able to get it donated, and rather than waste it or decline what they couldn't put on the outside, they decided to save money on drywall and paint and put it inside as well.
Same with the furniture, etc. this just reeks of "super tight budget but with excesses in certain odd specific areas because we got it donated".
For the cult on a budget!
Few windows for outsiders to look in. Many, many cheap tables to eat at.
Maybe just polygamy?
Holy hell, this entire interior looks like it could be hosed down, time after time, because it's made for repeated indoctrination/orgy/murder of cults with easy cleanup. Unbelievable price, though...
“Has your cult outgrown mom’s basement? Do I have the place for you!”
Me: What's wrong with siiiiiiideholyshititsinthehouse!!!!!
EDIT: The carpet did me in. I am dead. R.I.P. me.
Did anyone notice that the garage interior photos show the misaligned joists about 3/4 of the way back over the truck/jimmy?
I'm not entirely sure they're actually attached to anything.
Oh, and no code inspector ever saw that wiring.
Edit: oh, and the never ending AC unit chaos. They even vent multiple units into the enclosed garage! That just kind of overheats it and returns the entropy to the house?
Favorite AC unit placement: in the shower with its own little upper tier curtain.
Second favorite cooling feature: the structural box fans in the walls.
Holy this is a good one thanks OP
Siding guy: I've completed the outside of your house you want anything else done?
Owner: Sure, go nuts.
At first, I thought this must be some abandoned barracks or aircraft hangar that got retrofitted into a private residence, but then I saw it was purpose built in 2004.
but then I saw it was purpose built in 2004.
Holy crap
I love the variety of chandelier's and ceiling fans all next to each other
This should have been entirely furnished with those cheap white plastic patio chairs and tables. I seen some, but whoever built this clearly can add much more.
Wifi and cell phone reception may suck.
Also, I have doubts about the insulation. One can see it in the garage, but one can also see sunlight through the wall.
Like someone chose the cheapest option at every option, and nevet considered the overall best experience.
Two things:
- Archer "Realty"
- I've seen plenty of the reverse, but this is the first time I've seen someone make their house with the Doom level editor.
Looks like a cult compound. Wild
@OP - This one is truly special. Thank you so much for this gift to we plebes. Wow.
When I first saw it, it was just the picture from the outside. That intrigued me enough to look a the rest of the pictures. I'm glad I did.
That. Fucking. Wiring.
This is a fire waiting to happen, I can't imagine what's in the walls.
Light fixtures looking like I placed them in the sims
Whoa, there must have been a blow out sell on office chairs. Who needs normal chairs when you can have an office chair?!
Also, no central heat and air, window units... In that massively hot tin box.
Also I forgot to mention the floor to wall carpeting.
Man this place has it all! What a steal! lol
edit: I totally missed it, but did anyone clock the gigantic quilt sewing machine in slide 34?
What the FUCK
So much fucking cladding. I recon the builder gets it cheap
This is a literal fucking nightmare. I'd snap if I was tripping in there
Babe wake up, new backrooms just dropped