Well, yes. I blame my vocabulary there. I meant more like 'team' or 'group'
Copenhagen suborbitals. It was led by Peter Madsen, the guy that murdered swedish journalist Kim Wall in his submarine.
I hope this goes differently than the Danish private space launch ~~company~~ group
I'd like to see the uniforms
That spicy keratin
if someone named an agency LOSS
They won't. Many big retail organizations have departments to make sure this will not happen...
Tap for spoiler
Loss prevention
Everything for profit, a magus like yourself should be proud
A brave display of symbol politics
Great article, with a pretty cool (or warm) solution to the problem.
Lekker hondefluitje weer. Geen genade. Mochten er verkiezingen zijn super hard ingaan op dit gepeupel (in het debat)
We can tie words together like you guys, but our consonant/vowel interaction is better
Except of the con.
Was what I was thinking, but even in that aspect he lacks artistry, hrs a con man