Please switch to OpenChess, it is open source, community supported, and free. Yes it lacks some key features that chess has, namely pawns and rooks, but but there are several promising forks of the project that are working on these pieces.
Holy hell
Other chess communities:
Oh god, please no, that's too real
It all went to hell when they started pandering and removed the Queen's giant knockers and made it the most powerful piece.
But... the knockers were what made it the most powerful
Gary chess has been too busy working on chess2 with magnet cumstain since you were going pipi in your pampers
I'm on that Chess3 shit now. They have B-52s in that shit.
Nobody listen to him. What he calls "Chess3" is going out to an abandoned crack shed where he's going to do nothing but blare "Love Shack" while making you play at gunpoint.
Fourth worst chess experience of my life, wouldn't even let me play Rock Lobster.
Last week I was playing chess at the local park and encountered a mayor bug. I would have reported it but it crawled alway
Ah, yes. The Chess Company. Chess Co. Founded by Robert Chess.
Robert Chess is a fraud. The real master mind behind chess was Thomas Chess. His brother just stole his idea and ran with it
I still hate Clint Stealing. The founder of stealing. The world didn't deserve this cruelty.
Not true, Thomas Chess has as much claim as Robert Chess regarding ownership since the roots of the original can be traced back to the notes of their father Sir Gary Chess the First.
The line is quite well preserved within the Chess family but internal conflicts are known to occur
I thought it was based on the video game Battle Chess from the 1980s. WTF Nintendo?
ah yes, the video that got me back into chess as an adult.
immature adult that is
I’ll still watch and laugh every time
Atleast dev didn't add Vanguard.
To be fair there is chess evolved online with over 500 different pieces and chess piece lootboxes if you want a more modern take on the classic game
“Spiritual successor”
What are you talking about, dude? They just patched that bug that let you castle along the file.
Not to mention the devs mega simped right before they left.
And.dont even get me started on problematic collabs. I mean come on, Harry Potter?
Inaccurate. They patched the vertical castling exploit in the 70s.
This has strong javascript programmers criticising elm vibes for me.
I regret that I wasted time reading most of this.
Holy shit outerheaven, haven't heard about this instance in a while
What about chess battle advanced?
One real reason to boycott them is that they aren't trans friendly.