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Dad Jokes
This is a community for sharing those cheesy “dad” jokes that invoke an eye roll or chuckle.
- Clean jokes only please. If you cannot tell this joke to a 5-year-old, you probably shouldn’t post it here. Please post edgier jokes to !unclejokes@lemmy.world
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Technically it's the United States of America, so it has an R.
Also, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. That's a lot of r's.
(This list is not recognized in china)
OP's invitation to Xi's birthday bash has been rescinded.
This guy wins.
It is the response I dreamt of for this sub. I just kept laughing. I also think this was generated by an AI.
Nope, I used Vim to process the first text file I found from a Google search. LLMs are actually pretty bad at this kind of thing
See: "No country in Africa starts with K" meme
If it was generated by AI, they would all have the letter R in them.
These are ge many countries without an "r", Sir!
I don't get it
“No way” is Norway without an R
No way!
Norway - r = ?
Norway - r = ?
+r = +r
No way = ? + r
Now I'm stuck.
I think you're supposed to take the third derivative and plot that on a y(naut) axis.
This is why people say Chicargo.
Warshington is what happens when you do integration.
Same with Chicargo, I think.
If you add r to both sides you are left with "Norway" on the left, not "no way", since you previously had a "-r" there.
The joke doesn't work in Australian English.
Awr nawr!
This was funny until I had to think of at least a dozen countries before I could remember one with and R in it lol.
Ye man, cool.
Dude...stop it
What a punchline...
Kenya ligma CDs nut balls!
It's now Ussia
*Dominican Epublic