When the light flickers ....
1% Electrical Issues
59% Demons
40% Nuclear war has started
When the light flickers ....
1% Electrical Issues
59% Demons
40% Nuclear war has started
You sound overly anxious, it’s only nuclear war if the internet has gone down.
Turns bulb slightly in socket
burns hands because the bulb is still incandescent and literally won't die to be replaced with led
I work at electricity distribution, can confirm, we never have any issues, it is evil spirits, not us.
Ok but something that's really bothered me about A Quiet Place (besides the writing being god awful).
When she's giving birth in the bathtub, the lights start flickering. They provide no explanation for why the lights are flickering. It's legit just a scary movie trope in-action.
Thanks DOOM 😩
99% demons, 1% shit
The wiki page on leading and lagging current might as well be "demons and shit". Practical Engineering talks a bit about it in this video on power grids.
I'd rather deal with demons than bad wiring.
Or the orbital mirrors fell and destroyed three domes, but we're going in the right direction. We're gonna rebuild this place.
In reality it is of course the opposite, and that's terrible, too. Very frightening. Very terrifying.
That's life in Goober Nation.