this post was submitted on 26 Oct 2024
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Welcome to the Vegan Theory Club Weekly Megathread!

Question of the week:

What made you decide to go vegan?

Feel free to talk about anything, whether it’s vegan-related or not. This is a chill space for connecting, sharing ideas, and supporting each other.

Looking forward to hearing what everyone’s up to!

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[–] 8 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Mine is a little non standard. There was a redditor who claimed to be a Texan piano teacher that wanted to eat people. I got into an ethics debate with them, and I was forced to either cede their position was more logically consistent than mine or that eating animals was not OK.

I've always wondered if they were a vegan activist with an unusual tactic or they really did want to eat people.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Whatever works! Glad you saw the path and decided to act in accordance with your beliefs, that is more than most people end up doing and instead live lives of compromise.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

Thanks, and also thank you for all the work you did at vcj, and now here too. I'm not sure I'd have ever gone vegan without y'all. :)

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I can't tell if this is hilarious or genius. I guess both! But im glad it worked!

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

I was definitely considering if I had an obligation to report them to the Texas police, but they did say they were in active psch treatment and receiving therapy. Looking back it is kinda funny, but it also seemed quite serious at the time!

[–] 8 points 4 months ago (1 children)

My partner watched some earthling ed videos and wanted to make the switch. I think for me the major point that broke my personal dissonance was looking at my children and realizing that mammals lactate for their young. That made the cruelty of our food system very clear to me, and removed any doubts that i had with making the change myself.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

I'm always surprised when I hear about the documentaries working but I am so glad they do. Glad you are here with us!

[–] 7 points 4 months ago (1 children)

It's pretty cliche but I got the bus home and on the way we passed an animal farm. There were chickens in the outdoor pen and it just clicked in my mind that what I was eating were living creatures that could feel pain and emotions. Instead of going straight home I jumped off at the closest store and began to look into buying plant based meat alternatives. I finished my shop, went home, and immediately threw out all the meat products I still had. I was only vegetarian for about 6 months but then I went vegan and never looked back.

Nowadays I am WFPB and doing a lot better.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

I'm so glad you are here with us and doing the right thing now!

[–] 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I went vegetarian because my partner was one. When I moved into their apartment it felt weird to start cooking meat in her place considering thinking about how meat was created made her cry. We didn't really understand the full weight of what dairy, eggs and other animal products entailed at the time.

To be honest, the real trigger for me was my health. I was about 35 kg more than I weight now and was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. At the time I was giving my cat insulin and saw what my own future looked like. I remember googling "What can I do to prevent getting diabetes" and I found Dr. Greger's website Nutrition Facts and Dr. Bernard's PCRM. I'm so glad I found it too, since I was already vegetarian eating only meat really didn't make sense to me, keto just felt like bullshit but the explanations found on the vegan sites aligned with what I knew about biology and chemistry. I looked at the actual statistics too, vegans were clearly in a lower risk category across the board for metabolic disorders like heart disease and diabetes. I decided to make the plunge to a whole foods plant based diet but still didn't really call myself vegan because of stereotypes and propaganda convincing me that actual vegans were crazy.

Once the meat and animal product goggles were off though I started seeing animal exploitation for what it was. A structural oppression of living and thinking beings for no reason. It caused a cognitive dissonance in me whenever I started to notice it and when discussing it with my partner we decided to become not only plant-based but vegan in the animal rights sense as well. Something was still not right though as I looked through reddit's vegan community and saw a lot of nonsense and businesses advertising questionable products. It wasn't until I found the vegan circlejerk did it really start to click. I joined the discord and met potato who at the time was the top mod but also the first vegan I met who really cared and was understanding of me and other people who would join this chat room. Unfortunately due to the dynamics of online communities it fractured several times and they eventually moved on but in that time I became one of the most active mods of the subreddit. Running the subreddit was a mixed bag, I was exposed to a lot of stuff I would have preferred not to be but also literally dozens of people would reach out to me directly telling me these stupid memes really affected them and made them change their lives to become vegan and that meant a lot of me. As for potato, I still keep in touch with them and consider potato one of my friends to this day 7 years later. In this time my commitment to the animals has only grown, I was able to make the case to one of my best friends who made the plunge and have regained my health in the process looking and feeling better in my 40s than at any other part of my life.

As reddit changed and my job got more intense I stepped back from moderating the subreddit but later decided to try and host this lemmy server and now this is where we all are.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Lol my answer is directly related to my answer to last weeks questions

I guess cutting out meat was: I was chilling with some animals and I was like, why the fuck would I eat a living creature??? That's deranged???

And then I got bullied IRL by vegans and realized I was turning a blind eye to violence I didn't see directly. The cognitive dissonance lifted. Not commodifying/enslaving animals came with that. I didn't really think about how this "food" came to be and once I let myself understand I simply could not do it anymore.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago (1 children)

It is funny because ultimately vegan bullying from vegan circlejerk pushed me from being an on the fence plant based person to hard core vegan lol. I guess some bullying works!

[–] 6 points 4 months ago

if one can tone down their ego for a lil bit and not immediately get defensive it's a pretty nifty tactic.

I said bullying but it's not really bullying. It's getting called out on bullshit and refusing to associate with/pretend non vegans are moral people.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago (1 children)

A long journey for me. I worked on the school farm as a kid, I remember the first time animal ag hit me we had raised broiler (meat) hens and I was loading them onto the murder van. I was quite young, it seemed wrong in a vague nonspecific way. I knew dairy was completely fucked by the end of highschool and went ovo-pesca.

Many years later in my twenties I had just read a book in which studies of zebra fish modifying their behaviour towards pessimism when their lips were envenomed with bee venom. Harmless, but painful. Such a change only made sense to me if they had something akin to what in us we call emotions. I had recently moved away from living in a poly house, partly because of my deeply conflicted feelings on their enthusiastic rejection of any form of pesca/vege-tarianism and was doing a lot of soul searching.

I found vegan circlejerk and thought it was hilarious, and the combo made me be like "fair cop, at worst you miss out on some fish, at best you avoid horrificly depraved acts" so I approached my wife and said "I think veganism is morally correct" and she said yep and that was that.

in other news stability testing for mica pigments commences today. Hoping to make some pretty rheoscopic fluid for kaleroscopes for the nibblings.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

is a kaleroscope like a kaleidoscope? That sounds really cool, I never even considered what would be needed to create one. Do you dig up the pigments with the sapphires?

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

These things, I can't spell. A rheoscopic fluid is one in which you can see the flow. Usually achieved by particles of particular dimensions longer in one axis, when they line up with the flow they interact with light differently to create pearlescence.

Refining pigment from dirt is a bit beyond me. I don't even know how I'd approach that. There is ironstone I could smash up and make a black one from though... maybe interesting with pottery actually... but no I bought some mica.

I was going to make some of those goofy "potion" bottles and do the toy for little ones at the same time. Since all the same testing applies.

[–] 5 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Kind of a silly one, but for me it was some reddit meme thread. It was a joke about arch linux, and a person jokes "if somebody uses arch and is vegan, which will they say first?" and then somebody mentioned that "I'm vegan btw" is a common joke on r/vegancirclejerk. I went to that subreddit and started reading, it was hilarious, but I also felt my cognitive dissonance grow with every post. Took me like a week or two and I decided that I am a fucking hypocrite and need to make a change, because what I am participating in is seriously wrong and I can't continue like this.

I asked my partner if she would be cool if we tried out veganism, and turns out she has also been thinking about it lately, due to a vegan coworker that inspired her. So we then went vegan at the same time and it's been almost 4 years of that now.

Also similarly to hamid, all the vegan marketing felt super off to us which made us do the additional plunge into WFPB with none of the weird substitutes.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)
[–] 3 points 4 months ago

They absolutely did and I hate anybody who says that abrasive activism doesn't work

It's funny because I'm having a similar experience with arch Linux meme. after seeing it so much i started reading about why it's so great and i have considered using it when i switch my main pc over to Linux. right now just my servers run on Linux so I'm not unfamiliar with it, but haven't switched my daily driver yet.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago

I think it is worth posting to the community here. I consider this server a real community and I'm here to help as much as I can. I believe in mutual aid.

Things may or may not get bad fast in the US. If you are in the US and you need help getting out or forming a plan just in case let me know and we can figure something out. Anything from helping get a passport to helping fund a ticket out when things get bad.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

I wanted to be supportive of my SO and when we started renting a new place i agreed that it would be meat-free (she was Vegetarian at the time). Within a few months she wanted to become vegan after 20 years Vegetarian. I said no problem and we made our house vegan. When we went out to eat i just ate vegan with her and after 7 months or so i realized i had been vegan so i might as well just commit to it.

So yeah, kind of silly. I do take issue with the meat* industry and all that but what made me decide was basically just "that wasn't so hard" and i just kept doing it. That was about 7 years ago? Crazy.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

I also went vegan because of my SO. I think what is silly are the people who refuse to take their partners seriously. I would have never thought of it on my own but because I respect them and what they believe I made the first jump to vegetarianism and I am so glad I did. Thanks for joining us and posting your experiences!

[–] 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

It took me too long.

I was raised in a household where my parents did not cook meat at home, yet no one was vegetarian. When I was 10 I decided to become an (ovo-lacto) vegetarian for the environment. I remember understanding (as a vegetarian) that it was dumb to be against eating dogs if you ate other animals, but instead of thinking it wasn't okay to eat any, I took the position that it was okay to eat dogs. (I was vegetarian very specifically not because I cared about the animals, because that's not what men do...).

Around 18, I felt like it wasn't "worth depriving myself of taste pleasure" and started to eat animals. Six months on, I was studying with a (carnist) friend of a friend, when he asked me what I thought of bestiality. I had an immediate reaction against it, followed quickly by the realization that it wasn't consistent to be against it and also be fine with eating animals. Despite full well knowing that dairy was wrong, I still only became a vegetarian again, feeling guilty occasionally while eating dairy and egg products.

It took watching the movie "Chicken Run", reading a book on eco-socialism, and the boredom associated with a 15-hour plane ride one week an entire year after the above to get me to finally understand what I was being a part of, and I decided to become a vegan.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

I'm glad you worked it out and have joined us!

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

i'm sure my story's not that interesting, but that's never stopped me before!

i had a friend go vegan in high school, probably 2002 or 2003; i thought she was nuts. we lived in Iowa which is hardcore meat and potatoes territory. but this was my first real-life exposure to that ideology. Alice, if you're out there, i hope you're still vegan and know that while i was not cool about it then, it affected me!

anyway, fast forward many, many years of loving animals but never thinking about where food came from. i ate the standard American diet, drank too much, lived a sedentary life; by the time i sort of "came to" i was over 400lbs (180+kg), a pack-a-day smoker, a heavy drinker, etc. shortly after i realized what i was doing to myself i got diagnosed with diabetes and moved to Colorado. the more active lifestyle out here combined with some other choices helped me get a bit healthier, stop smoking, and some other things. i think this was the first time i tried going vegan myself, maybe 2011 or 2012. it was really difficult and my complicated relationship with food made it not work.

around this same time i began practicing Zen Buddhism, which i continue doing to this day. i tried going vegan several times over the years and never lasted longer than about six months - the Buddhism strongly encouraged the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, but it still didn't click.

in 2022 my wife and i bought a house and got two cats. they are an absolute joy in my life, and it was that which made me realize ever buffalo wing or hamburger i ate came from a creature with as rich an internal life and as much feeling and personality as my boys, and i couldn't do it any more. in 2023 i became a vegetarian, and in 2024 (April-ish) i became a vegan and have stuck it out since then. the kitties, the zen, and the internet have all helped.

additionally, going vegan made tremendous positive impacts on my health. for the first time in my life my diabetes is under control, my depression is moderated, my gout isn't flaring up, and i'm almost 100lbs lighter than i was when i started all this stuff.

so... yeah! tofu is amazing.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

On the contrary I think your story is extremely interesting. I'm really glad you've been able to turn it around and come to the side of peace, justice and caring for others. No matter what pathway we take to get there it doesn't matter as long as we arrive. I appreciate you joining us and pushing the book club forward. Thanks for that!