Praise Anoia
- Must be potato
- Cannot not be potato
It doesn't go in the drawer. Goes in the container of tools on the counter.
To get coated with gross fatty kitchen dust?
Free toppings*
I like your grit.
Where do you think the seasoning for the mash comes from?
Goes in the container of tools that stands up in the deep drawer.
Isn't that literally a model which folds for easy storage?
Yes and then swivels back into the open position after you close the drawer!
And the stopping of the drawer is always so violent as well, contributing to the whole "No, fuck you man!" feeling of it all
Thanks, this gave me a good chuckle!
Ladel: Allow me to introduce myself
Why do you need something specifically to mash potatoes? Wouldn't a fork do?
you've clearly never tried to mash a large quantity of potatoes with a fork.
it's the same reason people like pasta rollers even though a rolling pin will technically get the job done. 2 hours or sweating and panting as you roll with all your might will get you to understand real quick.
You can also cut bread with a silverware knife but it's not as easy or fast
If you don't need it but like once a year or once every few years, sure a fork will work. It's a pain but doable.
It's the reason I don't own a mortar and pestle. The few times I do need something like that, I just use two bowls or spoons or whatever I have on hand. It sucks but it's once in a while so it's not worth precious cabinet space.
Why would you need a floor brush for brushing something so specific?
Wouldn't a toothbrush do?
The Tongs: "Hold my beer!"
Or this one damn fork!