
joined 1 year ago
[–] 93maddie94@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago

Our house is mostly mobile. We each have a laptop but it’s more for “bigger things” like filing taxes, booking a trip, designing something, and filling out forms. We have decided that we are getting a desktop within the next year, however. We have a toddler and it’s important to me that she is able to navigate a mouse and keyboard. I work in a school library and my lesson on using the catalog in 2nd grade begins with how to use a computer mouse because I have some of the only desktops that are left in the school. (I’ve even had grown-ass adults come in and try to touch the screen).

[–] 93maddie94@lemm.ee 6 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Pool noodles under the couch

[–] 93maddie94@lemm.ee 83 points 1 week ago (8 children)
[–] 93maddie94@lemm.ee 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

It was a Christmas gift, but thanks for the heads up!

[–] 93maddie94@lemm.ee 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I have a soda stream and then several flavoring options. I have mio and other brands, then soda syrups, and cocktail mixers. That way I can control the amount of sweet. I personally don’t like the flavor of artificial sweeteners or stevia so I try to find ones that use real sugar and real fruit extract. There’s some with caffeine too.

[–] 93maddie94@lemm.ee 4 points 1 week ago

Which is why my mother homeschooled me. Couldn’t let the indoctrination happen. Just gotta pray away the self harm and eating disorder.

[–] 93maddie94@lemm.ee 3 points 1 month ago

My American Express card was compromised a few weeks ago and while they sent me a new card I was still able to use the old one at stores, use mobile payments, and recurring payments could process. The only thing I couldn’t do was use it online. Even after I received the new card, recurring transactions were able to occur.

[–] 93maddie94@lemm.ee 2 points 1 month ago

Around this age I started transitioning to the crib in the middle of the night. Fall asleep in our room. Wake up. Get changed. Get fed. Sleep in crib in her room.

[–] 93maddie94@lemm.ee 13 points 1 month ago

Unless I need something recent whenever I search I update the results to dates from like 1999 to 2021. Filters out a lot of unnecessary crap.

[–] 93maddie94@lemm.ee 7 points 1 month ago

When my sister was a toddler we went on a trip to the Grand Canyon. Immediately after arriving she started climbing over a small barrier that had a steep drop on the other side. Her harness stopped from what could’ve been a terrible accident.

[–] 93maddie94@lemm.ee 1 points 1 month ago

That sounds like our thanksgiving! 10/10 would recommend.

[–] 93maddie94@lemm.ee 1 points 1 month ago

We live out of town (8 hours away) so we visit for a week over Christmas every year. My in-laws live an hour away from my parents so we attempt to split the time as best as we can. We are not allowed to stay at my in-laws because we have a dog that isn’t friendly. My family is super understanding and has worked really hard to gain her trust. My in-laws refuse to do anything except talk bad about her and complain that we don’t visit enough. The worst this year has been that my sister’s (24) boyfriend just broke up with her like 3 weeks ago (by dropping off her belongings and blocking her) so she’s going through it. She had a perfectly fine time for a day or two, went out with us, would have conversations, but then started locking herself in her room (she still lives with my parents). But there’s been a few uncalled for moments in my opinion, breakup or not, like telling my mom “I had a list for a reason” while opening presents because my mom got her something else she might like (especially since her entire list was hunting and fishing stuff, activities she did with her ex). Also my two year old was sobbing outside her locked door, begging to see her, and was ignored. We always do a sibling activity together (go out to a fancy restaurant, escape room, axe throwing) and this year she was hot and cold with it. We would discuss doing something and she wouldn’t say anything but only text us later that she was never planning on going. Finally last night I went off on her a bit. Told her I never get to see her and I wanted to go out and to spend some time with her. That I’m sorry she was having a shitty time but it wasn’t my fault. I’ve never had a great time visiting for holidays but I’ve never been more excited to go home that I am this year.


My LO turned 2 in May. She’s been peeing on the potty since she was 18 months old (and started having accidents in the tub). We started potty training in earnest in June. We’re now in October and not doing much better. We have very little issues with getting her to go. She will pee on the potty almost every time we suggest it. But she will not hold it and she will not tell us when she needs to go. Making it through the day with no accidents requires us to make her stop every hour and go. She knows all the mantras and will tell you the right thing every time you talk to her. But she isn’t putting it to practice. We’ve tried stickers, hand stamps, screen time, juice, stickers in the potty that show dinosaurs when she pees on them. She likes all of these things and is excited for them. But she will not go of her own accord. The thing is, I know she can hold it. She'll hold it for hours in the car or when we’re out and about in public. She doesn’t fear the potty (sometimes after pooping in her pull-ups it’s sensitive and she’s afraid to pee for a time or two, but gets over it quickly). We’ve done underwear, pull-ups, no pants, leaving the door open and lights on, and us announcing loudly when we need to go to model. Is it just a waiting game? Eventually she’ll understand her body better? I’m a little apprehensive because the next room at daycare will send your child home if they have 2 accidents in a day. So we’ve got about six months to make some drastic improvements. We’ve done books and songs and get super excited when she goes. I’ve tried to make it a positive experience for her. And that’s just pee. The only way she will poop on the potty is if we catch her in the act (usually after not going for a day or two) and run her to the potty. Most weekends she’ll go both days without pooping and then go first thing at daycare in her pull-up. Is there anything I’m missing? Anything I haven’t tried? I would be fine with the occasional accident because she forgot to go while playing, but right now she will only tell us after she has gone in her pants and will only go potty if we remind her.


So I’m thinking along the lines of this (volume warning)

But my two year old just did the same thing while “helping” to feed the dogs. She spilled a few pieces, looked at the mess, and then dumped out the rest of the cup. She exclaimed, “I make a mess” then picked up the pieces, put them back in the cup, and successfully poured it into the dog’s bowl. What breaks in their brain where the task doesn’t go according to plan so they make an even bigger mess?

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