As someone that has somehow played a lot of FPS over the years and amazingly not spent a dime nor a single minute on Call of Duty games, I’m mostly bemused at this whole thing.
Most contracts are through contract companies, who then employs (ala W2) the workers.
I could see all tech workers that work for these companies forming a union—that could make a real, honest change in the tech workforce overall.
You’d think that maybe it do work that way but it don’t … I think
Well, yeah, it’s Amazon
UESP is one of the best parts of Elder Scrolls games; forever may it reign
There was an art to folding the paper in half again lengthways to read it without bothering the person next to you on the subway or bus—yet another skill I’ll never need again.
Either JS or inline CSS
Given that my Mastodon feed is around 15% pooptoots (where I like it), it seems that you’re following the wrong people.
Pre-Eternal September.
The meat?
I can tell you that at least for stuff I work on, every single comment entered into those little dialogs is read by a human that actually works in a meaningful role on the product.
Comments that curse and complain with no topic in mind are useless, and easily ignored. Take two seconds and tell them exactly what is bothering you and what you’d rather see, and things might actually get better.
Anyone that gives anyone in the service industry less than a 10 on those support/delivery surveys is a cop.