Yeah, that's what I do as well. Seems much nicer than hurting their community by just randomly downvoting everything I don't want to see.
No, sometimes it is about blocking.
If you run a small community like several of us do, even a small amount of downvotes can completely shut down a discussion from ever being seen by anyone else. It's a way petty assholes have of trying to kill conversation in small communities because they don't like something about what you said or how you said it.
If someone neither wants to contribute nor lurk, and merely drag down a community, they shouldn't be allowed to continue to be a part of it at all.
I'd also like to know as I'm in the same boat you are. I'm just leaving this comment to remember to look later and see if you got an answer.
Albuquerque - Weird Al Yankovic
But you can come serve in Canada and help us if you like!
Err... Not to throw a wrench into things but, yeah. They kinda sorta did.
I didn't read him as saying that though. They are not stating that capitalism is better, they are stating that human greed will attempt to corrupt every system.
There have to be safeguards in place to stop the greed. And yes, there might be safeguards within one anarchist collective (which anywhere else would be known as "laws"), but not another one that gets greedy and wants to take over your collective and has bigger guns.
Fighting against greed is an ongoing project no matter what political system you are under. Switching systems does not miraculously solve this.
Man, I love Spider-Man, but this looks super rough. The jokes are horrendous.
Yeah that's a really good example, this entire comment right here. Don't do this.
Just FYI, as per their own terms you can cancel up until it ships.
I've gone to my community and to specific posts, but can't work out how to show downvotes. Can you shed a little light on how to see them please?