
joined 2 years ago
[–] 10 points 3 months ago

Hilarious to me that people who think Democrats moving left would have won this election when the root issue of voter ignorance reigns supreme and Republicans and extremely wealthy control the narrative via the news media still continues. And don't get me wrong, I want Free Healthcare, Universe Basic Income, and even a Wage Cap, but I am still unconvinced these things would have been viewed positively enough to sway voters with the 2 afformentioned issues still persisting.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

He's cultivating working class solidarity in a really powerful way, and it's starting to appeal more and more to folks who've watched the Democrats pay only lip service to racial grievances, and then proceed to never make meaningful sacrifices to ameliorate the underlying problems of economic inequality and then work constructively to promote financial security.

By doing what exactly? I've seen plenty of arguments like this about Dems not doing enough to seperate themselves from the status quo, and thus are losing ground to Republicans on things like the economy and fighting for the working class. I don't disagree with that, but what arguments like that fail to convince me of is what exactly is Trump offering these Latino and Black voters that's better?

[–] -3 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Right, economy. Both candidates ran on fixing it. But one wasn't a black woman.....

[–] 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I caught your reference OP.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Sounds like the typical "I got Banned!" crowd not telling the whole truth, just like all the others who rush to reddit to try to drum up sympathy.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The "Guillotine the rich" crowd sure loves saying they wanna do it but they never have the balls. You talk of politician "ought to's" yet here you and many others are not executing billionaires. Put up or shut up.

[–] 7 points 2 years ago

I dunno where you are getting this coup narrative, but the NCSoft layoffs of arenanet happened in 2019, long before EoD and the current leadership is Colin Johanson and Josh Davis, long time employees from gw1 days.

As for your "coup" examples, let's break them down.

  1. The wedding outfit is literally the only outfit that does this. You are also comparing a one of kinda outfit to pieces are armor, something the community wanted.

  2. Emotes? Really?

  3. Are you saying not relying on the cash shop, a near constantly criticized system, bad? I too want a big expansion that touches on everything, but HoT was widely criticized for its unliked WvW map, unliked PvP mode, and guild halls are currently forgotten content. At least now Anet has made plans to look back at older systems and refresh or improve them, just that it won't be done in one big chunk, which seeing how HoT ended up....may be for the best.

  4. I won't really defend Gayala or Silent Surf but that strikes me as current leadership shifting from a supposed Season 6, straight to expansion instead. A similar messy shift from Living World only back to expansions that occurred halfway through Icebrood.

To be fair, I liked the Expansion to Living World Season to Expansion pipeline, but hey times change.

Ah the old class homogenization. Do mesmers steal? Do guardians burst? Do thieves have a pet? Anet has always been about playing whatever class and being able to play the way you want. This is still in line with that goal. If I wanna bring quickness to a group, I have way more options per class than I ever have.

Despite my arguments against your points.....I still expect many people to be disappointed and are rightfully concerned, as this new expansion will be slow going. We won't get all the cool stuff on day 1. It's a change of pace that people are not used to. But I expect people to look back when it's all said and done and generally like it overall.