I never used openRC (outside of Docker containers that run Alpine) so I wouldn’t know. Linux community has enough controversies, init utils shouldn’t be one of them
I thought people hate systemd because it’s a resource hog compared to OpenRC. TIL i guess
Mhm.. no Rocky/Alma?
that’s just a troll, downvote and move on
I last tried in 2019 but LTT made a video recently saying they won’t accept sponsorships from Plex anymore until they fix downloads. I have a Plex Lifetime Pass and I’d love to use it again if the download worked, because that’s the only thing I want to use it for now (in between moving apartments)
Plex app does exist. The download feature on it is 50/50 and will bamboozle you when you need it most
open source development
average Diablo 4 player when he’s told that he’s being actively exploited
And they say that today’s youth only makes about ass and money, with no clear message or information. Thank you for bringing this song to my attention
Interesting idea, will try it and let you know.
i love this cat so fucking much
I agree with the landlord in this case, we shouldn’t tip our baristas either, instead they should fix the federal law that allows restaurants to pay their workers pennies and kill this ridiculous tipping thing entirely.